'everything and nothing' - 2008-10-28
Everything and everyone in the universe are inarguably connected. As everything started millions of years ago, all of the physical matter was given birth in the exact same place; the universe expanded and the bits of matter that would eventually be you and me all orginated from that one place.
The question really is whether the universe started of it's own volition for no apparent reason or if a higher order created it. Either or, we are inarguably linked to, a part of and children of said force or the universe Herself.
At the same time we are everything, we are nothing. As nothing exists outside of our individual experience and senses, the vast majority of the universe isn't actually there. We are limited to the planet we live on, it's moon and sun, and the only proof we have of anything else is in star gazer's eyes, nothing more. We are alone, and small, and incapable; we are the little cogs that make the world go 'round but how can we be sure if any of the other cogs actually exist? Maybe there are ones who are fake, only pretending to be a cog while in reality is something completely different, or maybe some of the cogs we can't see aren't even there atall but the machine works just as well so we play along?
Think about it. Your world is limited to the tastes sounds sights feelings and smells that you experience, coupled with the memories you have. That's it. Nothing else. These can be fabricated easily enough, your whole world can be forced on you in another light and leave you absolutely different than a 'normal' human being but you wouldn't know the difference.
It's just as likely that we're sentient forms of life existing in a void trying to entertain ourselves with flights of fancy - living through lives of people and creatures on a make-believe plane with make-believe interactions and relationships.
Take comfort in the love, safety and acceptance of the fact that I am you are we is God; fear the fact that everything is nothing all are nobody, we live in the void.
As we are everything all experiences are shared, from God's own infinite perceptions to our limited ones we are all the same. Our individual lives are the envy of us when we are He; His envy is the lack of relative responsibility we have. When we're us we long to be him, when we're him he longs to be us; it's a tango that continues on throughout the ages, throughout all time, backwards and forwards. We exist as every living being in the universe from the dawn of time until the end of time, and then backwards, then we start over; forgetting and remembering everything and nothing as often as we change corporeal bodies.
world economics and environment
I am you are we are Dave, and Jenny is God: We are doomed and blessed to relive the lives of everyone and every living thing on the planet. As such, we all need to learn to treat each other and nature better. The world needs to learn that greed and material desires are irrelevant, and we need to learn to treat others as they deserve to be treated: as you, and me, and God. If everyone worshipped each other and themselves as much as they worship their precious false God now, we'd end world hunger and poverty in months. As believers of the only one true faith, we must accept and nuture everyone and every living thing among us. On this note, humanity as a whole has a decision: doom ourselves to haggard, polluted lives when we experience the plants and animals trapped with us on this plane, or clean up our act and live peaceably and in a positive manner, promoting and loving life as it does us? False hope and security in industrialized society and eons of time spent hating the human race for said a world?
People should be rewarded by a system that only takes into account how much of a service to the global community they are providing. In paradise there would be no billionaires. No one person should be able to accumulate more wealth than any combination of other people; people living in poverty now should recieve the lion's share of the world's resources to improve their lives, those of us with enough already should be strong and deal with less until our neighbours, and ourselves in other lives, make their way to a decent living.
God is you are we are me and everything living. No racism exists in a world where everyone knows they are everyone else; No hate, no fear. Jealousy is forbidden and love is free.