Using Essential Oils - Battling the F-Word Using Natural Remedies

in #health7 years ago


The flu bug has hit our school district hard.

We were out on Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, then out on Tuesday and Wednesday for inclement weather. Thursday and Friday we were in session but attendance was so incredibly low for both students and staff that school officials decided to cancel classes this coming Monday and Tuesday.
A good friend of mine, who also happens to be The Bear's homeroom teacher, said her class was down by 10 kids on Thursday and 12 kids today, Friday.

Hearing during the week of how terrible this strain of flu has been, I kept Jojo Bean and The Bear home. Tobster decided to take his chances and chose to attend yesterday, only to come home feeling like shit with a cough and a low-grade fever. He stayed home in bed today.

As soon as we found out Toby wasn't feeling well, my mother hit the health food store in town. She asked for their recommendation for fighting this awful bug. She purchased this elderberry syrup and real grape juice concentrate.



I got some of my essential oil information together and came up with a blend to help boost our immune systems and a blend to specifically fight the flu. Here is what I made:

Immune Booster

I made my Immune Booster with 8 drops of Thieves oil blend, and 8 drops of oregano essential oil in a 10ml roller bottle topped off with sweet almond oil. It gets applied to the spine and the soles of your feet.

Thieves is made up of clove oil, lemon oil, cinnamon bark oil, eucalyptus radiata oil, and rosemary oil.

Clove is an antifungal, and anti-viral. It is good for fevers, muscle aches, and pain.

Lemon oil is a good purifier, and is an anti-viral.

Cinnamon bark oil is an antibacterial, antifungal and can combat staph and MRSA.

Eucalyptus radiata is good for the flu and for congestion.

Rosemary oil is good for colds, the flu, and sinusitis.

Oregano oil is antibacterial, antifungal, and is good for pneumonia, sore throats, staph and MRSA, strep throat, and viral infections.

Flu Buster

I made Flu Buster from 8 drops each of tea tree, eucalyptus radiata, Thieves, rosemary, and peppermint oils in a 15ml roller bottle topped off with sweet almond oil.


Tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) has many, MANY uses. The properties I'm hoping to utilize are as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, good for colds, coughs, the flu, sore throats, staph and MRSA, strep throat, tonsillitis, and viral infections.

I covered eucalyptus, Thieves, and rosemary above.

Peppermint is a good pushing oil. Meaning it sort of pushes the other oils into you, making you absorb them better. It is also an antibacterial and is good for fever.

So those are the oils and other natural remedies we are using to not only fight the flu, but maybe protect us from getting it so badly to begin with.

I hope these can give you some help this flu season. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest! Thanks!


Where does the Flu Buster get applied? And how often do you roll them on, just once a day or periodically? My stock of essential oils is so puny compared to what you guys have, but I’m really enjoying learning more about how to use them!

Oh!! I forgot to include that! It should be applied to your spine, bottoms of feet, and on the thymus gland, which is located in the center of your chest. Essential oils are amazing! It's like having your own pharmacy at home.

Well the men of the household came crashing down with flu or something like it overnight, so I’m hoping our health food store is open today! How often do you apply the oils? And could I substitute grape seed oil for the sweet almond?

Oh no! I apply them 3-4 times a day. And you can totally substitute another carrier oil, like grape seed. Sweet almond is just what I had. I hope your clan feels better quickly!

Thank you! Me too!

Thanks! I feel like I need to just bite the bullet and buy an army of assorted oils. I keep finding these fascinating recipes and cures and need to try them all out!

Love these oils. Use them all the time. Most people run to the doctor when the best doctor is looking at them in the mirror.

I feel more independent everyday using my oils. Thanks for stopping by, @rlh100!

What a great and timely post my friend. Thankfully due to the fact that we here in Canada have seen -20 C temps it tends to kill any airborne bugs so we have not had the influx of flu cases as the US have. Also many people wear gloves when pushing grocery carts, or going to ATM's, or pumping gas, which are all ways to transmit the bacteria. I am printing this post for future reference. THanks

We have had such mild winters that our germs are like super bugs. This is the first time I can even remember them closing the school for something like this and I attended the same school for 13 years. We are pumping out the thieves in the diffuser, and practically bathing in oils. If it works, it works!

I can’t even go shopping without thinking I’m going to get this flu bug!

No kidding! I'm afraid to let my kids out of the house!

I have a niece who takes elderberry syrup every day during flu season. She is the only one who has not got it this year so far. Good luck! Also ginger tea with honey and lemon, not sure if it works but it sure makes you feel good when ill.

Nice we also cut and onion up and put it in strategic places in the house

That's not a bad idea. I'd hate to see it after a few days though!

this one's really good, oil got lots of benefits for humans, i just got surprised you also got oregano there inyour country, wow! i thought it's only here hehe, natural remedies are always okay. i wish i can have some of your oils for my kids dear @hethur240 , thanks for sharing this 👍👏❤️❤️❤️

We are an oily family for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope your family stays healthy.

I had some elderberry juice left from when I had pneumonia a few months ago so I’ve been hitting that pretty hard this week. Poor Annabel has been miserable all week but I’ve been working. Tomorrow the house is getting a full Thieves cleaning!!! Also, I can’t wait to order some rosemary. It’s on my list with chamomile but they’re a little pricey so I’ve been putting it off. I was lucky enough to come across some YL oregano at a good price so I need to bust that out too. Hope you guys can dodge the bug and hope your little clan feels all better soon!

Oh man, Mel! I'm sorry you guys have been sick. Especially little Annabel. I'm so glad we are off school so they can kill it in the schools. Which chamomile are you going for? I have German, I think. The oil is BLUE! It's crazy. And it's stinky. But hey, if it works, who cares? Good luck de-germing your house! I hope Annabelly feels better quickly!

Very much knowing your battle will be a success. We use many of those oils ourselves. With good results the juices are great to. Love

Hope you are all healthy and warm today. It should be nice weather to maybe even crack open a window and let some fresh air in! Love to you, too!

Thank you we are great I am going out soon to just walk around the yard. Love

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