Dangers of Eating Fast Food

in #health7 years ago

Who does not like fast food like burgers, fried chicken, fries? Especially eaten with spicy sauce and cola drinks, lemon lime, or other carbonated beverages. Hmm, of course delicious.

But actually behind the delicious taste that there are dangers that threaten the health of the body. And unfortunately only a few of us are aware of this danger.


(A) Impact of Lifestyle

The early development of fast-food outlets began in the 19th century, when the United States entered an industrial age that caused many workers to have only short hours of rest and long hours. The reason is that encourages workers to prefer foods served by fast food outlets because of the speed in penyajiaannya plus it also tastes good.

This is the advantage that makes fast food outlets increasingly mushrooming in the United States. In the 20th century, the business of fast food outlets spread to the continent of Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia as Indonesia with the concept of franchising.

The rapid growth of fast food restaurants in Indonesia has resulted in the changing lifestyle of the people, becoming practically all-consuming food without thinking about health at all. Keep in mind that fast food foods contain high calories, salt, and fat including cholesterol that reaches 70% and only a few contain fiber that is badly needed by the body.

In addition to its low nutritional content, fast food also contains preservatives and additives that make us addicted. Fast food is also a quick way for those of us who want to be affected by Obesity. This is evidenced by Morgan Spurlock who made a movie called "Super Size Me". In the film depicted how he consumes fast food every day whether it be at breakfast, lunch, and dinner within 30 days. It turns out the results are very astonishing. Morgan Spurlock is experiencing dramatic weight gain, increasingly bulging stomach, elevated blood sugar and cholesterol, blood pressure far above normal and 2 times more susceptible to heart failure and behavioral changes.
To the extent that doctors who check Morgan Spurlock advise to stop consuming fast food immediately when his documentary film just entering the middle.

(B) Deal with Fast Food Consumption Patterns

Avoiding fast food consumption is strongly recommended. But that does not mean you who do not have serious problems with weight or other illness, should not consume this delicious food.

But just in case, it's good you menyiasati fast food consumption patterns. Here are some tips that can help you:

Plan if you want to be fast food, not too often, if necessary a maximum of 1 month.
If you want to eat fast food, you should first know the nutritional content, if necessary find out on the site of fast food producers.
Do not just eat burgers, fried potatoes, or fried chicken but also eat salad packages are provided in fast food restaurants.
Avoid ordering drinks with high sugar content such as cola, or other soft drinks. Change your drink order with mineral water or fruit juice.

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