Breast Surgery and why it is not good to get one (To Long; Didn't Read/TL:DR Version below)

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Breast Surgery

Breast surgery, such as for augmentation, relieving back pain and for cancer, has been used throughout the years, even though breast surgery in augmentation may have some psychological benefits (having people like your breasts for the kind of size they are), less back pain, and no more tumors; there are many issues surrounding the use of breast surgery.

Lets break this issue down into why it would not be good, to have surgery for the breasts, and the alternatives people can take for their issues.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Even though Breast Augmentation makes a person's breast look bigger, that what it all it does, just look bigger with either silicone or other bags/objects that try to replicate the breasts.


An issue is that (even though it is a subjective matter since there are people that like/don't mind these kinds of breasts), it would be very easy to spot if a woman actually gets breast implants most of the time. It wouldn't be noticeable until she wear something very skimpy or does not wear anything around the chest area. It would be more than likely to be easy to tell that one had breast surgery due to the unusual roundness of the breasts as if they're balls rather than sagging fat. I don't know of any other fake breasts that look convincing, so I would think of the extremely round breasts usually.

Another sign of breast augmentation is also surgical scars. To put more problems onto the poor lady who wants bigger breasts, she would more than likely have to pay at an average of at least 3k for the surgery. Also there can be possibilities that having breast implants can cause a negative, psychological issue, due to people who think women that get breast augmentation surgeries are stupid.


What are the alternatives? How can there be alternatives for being able to get big breasts anyway? Well there are natural herbs out there for women to grow their breast naturally. (This also means you still go natural and vegan an still gets big breasts.)

The herbs you can take as it follows.
Saw Palmetto
Wild Yam
Dong Quai
Blessed Thistle
Mothers Wot
Hops Flower
Oat Grass
Dandelion Root
(Remove spaces to get the link)
ht tp:/ / must grow bust. com/ the-complete-guide-to-breast-enlargement-herbs/

I believe anything that has estrogen in it might help grow breasts. But if you're getting your breast bigger because of self confidence, you might be better off leaving your breasts the way they are, because there will be people that will always like the way you look, and someone you might be attracted to you may like/don't mind your breasts the way they are.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction Surgery is removing any sort of breast tissue and fat from the breast area, the some of the reasons for this is usually because either some gets back pain, self confidence, or people/men wooing.


Like with the breast enhancement surgery, it's expensive. (Remove spaces to get the link)
https :/ /www. plastic surgery. org/ reconstructive- procedures/ breast-reduction/costs
Here's a quote,

average cost of breast reduction (aesthetic patients only) is $5,631

Good luck to the lady's wallet, if she gets a reduction through surgery; because it will be more expensive than breast augmentation surgeries. Because there's more issues than that if you're able to get the surgery. Here's a quote from another link.

Possible breast reduction surgery risks include:

Unfavorable scarring
Changes in nipple or breast sensation, which may be temporary or permanent
Anesthesia risks
Bleeding (hematoma)
Blood clots
Poor wound healing
Breast contour and shape irregularities
Skin discoloration, permanent pigmentation changes, swelling and bruising
Damage to deeper structures—such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles and lungs—can occur and may be temporary or permanent
Breast asymmetry
Fluid accumulation
Excessive firmness of the breast
Potential inability to breastfeed
Potential loss of skin/tissue of breast where incisions meet each other
Potential, partial or total loss of nipple and areola
Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
Pain, which may persist
Allergies to tape, suture materials and glues, blood products, topical preparations or injectable agents
Fatty tissue deep in the skin could die (fat necrosis)
Possibility of revisional surgery

All from this link,
http s:/ /www. plastic reconstructive -procedures/breast-reduction/safety.

This means that if you want smaller breasts through surgery, you would have to go through all of these risks above to get smaller breasts and to get rid of back pain.


Like with breast augmentation, there are natural alternatives, and it's necessary to tackle the main reasons why one would want to get breast reduction in the first pace, just the reason why one would want to get bigger breasts. Also if you're trying to get smaller breasts because of self confidence; as said before, let your breasts be they way they are. There are many people that would want to love you the way you are. If it's because you want to avoid some pervert staring (lets say that there are many different perverts that would stare at you for many different reasons other than your breasts), maybe get married and have a kid, that could help; but if you want to be single.

But if you want to get a breast reduction because of back pain, you got far bigger problems than your breasts; it's more of your posture that is the real problem. Even if you get a breast reduction you will still have back pain, why? Because you arch your back, gasps yes a poor posture is one of the main reasons why people get back pain. This is more than likely the reasons why so many women get back pain while having big breasts, because of poor posturing. There are at least two methods of preventing back pain, which are as it follows.

  1. Quit arching your back, the main reason why you have pain around your upper spine area is more than likely you arch your back, even for lifting something or bending over.
  2. What you would need to do is keep your back and possibly neck as straight as possible, even when you lift something from the floor; if you need to arch when bending over, arch your butt. The reason given because when you're bending your spine, you're shaping your spine to a curve, which will cause pain. Arching by the butt, is better because you can use it in a natural dead-lift/squat angle like you do when you sit on a chair.
  3. Sometimes it's better to try to squat down as far as possible, stretch your thigh, calf and butt muscles. So that your muscles can help you with the squatting.
  4. Do back strengthening exercises, if you're one of those people who will still arch their back even after reading this post, then do back exercises to strengthen the back. This is probably something that I should've listed first, because a developed and stronger back, can help with the support of big breasts, if you want your breasts big as they are. Of course you would have to do a certain kind of workout that's right for you, you can't just over train your body and expect decent results.

But if you for some reason, despite of everything I've said, want smaller breasts; exercising can reduce your breasts size, possibly anything with testosterone in some foods or drinks could do it. Also if anyone has looked at most fitness models, and female body builders, should know that most if not all of them usually lose their breasts anyway (then get breast augmentation), due to the increased chest burning exercises they do to get muscle definition around the arm, back and chest area. Some of the supplements they take would more then likely have ingredients to boost testosterone in their bodies, in order to increase fat burn and lower the estrogen in the body, that would in result in the shrinkage of the breast tissue around that area.

Of course, if you want it smaller rather than flatter, just reduce the amount of time and burning you put on your chest when exercising.

But I think it's better to bring out the distinction in working out, because there are workouts that can help you with strengthening your back as a oppose to the exercises that will make your breasts shrink. Note there are different exercising methods where you could just either bulk up, burn or just strengthen the body. I wish I could bring out the specifics ,but it would make this article any longer than before and I would have to break the post down into parts.

But when it comes to workout methods, and how you're training, if you want a smaller chest, you would want to do chest exercises that burn the chest area. So a rep of 20-25 with about 2-3 set can do it, but if that's too much for you than do less reps, but basically the rule of thumb is.....

When it starts burning, then it starts working.

If you want your back to just support your breast with no visible change to both your back and your breasts. I would do around 5-10 reps with either no sets or just two sets, but do them slowly to get some strength from them and have a mind to body connection as in feel what your body is feeling.

Sorry that I can't bring up the specifics of what exact arm and back exercises for you to do you would have to search them out, since there are a ton of resources like body building . com to show you what exercise you can do.

Breast Cancer Surgery

One would like to get breast cancer surgery or have their breasts removed in hopes of preventing her own breast cancer from happening. The most famous case would be with Angelina Jolie, when she decided to get her breasts removed because of the fact that her mother had passed away from breast cancer.


An issue with removing the breast just because the person believes she may have a gene that could cause cancer is that cancer is preventable, but even if she can't prevent breast cancer from happening there's always a cure.


The solution is simple, if I was Angelina, I would've taken some Vitamin B17. Another thing is to be as high on alkaline as possible. That way if I did have cancer or a risk of having one, I can prevent or kill it off with B17. Also there are many foods and things then the environment people should be aware of that can cause cancer.

To Long; Didn't Read / TL:DR Version

Breast Implant Surgeries are bad, because they can look fake anyway, with any sort of dangerous chemicals in them, and it expensive.
Breast Reduction Surgeries are bad, because of the surgical risks involving diseases people can get from surgeries, and it is also expensive.
Breast Cancer surgeries are bad, because people can still get cancer, even when they get their breasts removed.

The alternative for bigger breast is taking in herbs, if you're allergic then find a way to get metal and other dangerous substances out of your bad if you are allergic, like doing a coffee enema for an example.

If you have back pain, try to develop a better posture by keeping you back as straight as possible, and if you need to bend over, then bend your butt, not your back or at least squat down first if you're picking something off the ground. If you want a stronger back then do back strengthening exercises, for a smaller set of breasts chest burning exercises.

Sometimes when you have big or small breasts, it's better to be yourself, rather than changing yourself.

To prevent cancer eat anything with Vitamin B17 and be high an Alkaline as possible. And avoid anything in the environment that can cause cancer.


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