4 Helpful/Easy Ways To “Trick” Your Kids Into Treating Themselves With Fruits and Veggies! Get Your Kids Loving to Eat 'Em! 🍊🍉🍈🍇

in #health7 years ago

I’ve been asked for ways to engage kids in healthy eating, and wanting to share with you some easy ways to do that, I have come up with this post!


These are some tried and true ways to spark a bit of fun into eating those fruits for children who might say things such as “I don’t like fruit!”


Oh children of the world we live in, I understand why you’d think that. I sure don't blame you!

Fruit roll ups, gummies and candy bars filled to the brim with ingredients to get you hooked, using millions of dollars to get their products into your mind are chemically programming us to crave, numbing our sensitive tastebuds to the real world around us. Obviously the choice of the engineered addictive products would be the one anyone would feel inclined to pick but hey, let's try to overcome all of that.

What if we make eating our real fruits (and veggies) more fun? Want to try?

I am a loving auntie to darling children who have grown up in the Western world eating things like marshmallows and dispenser candies at the grocery store.

  • How am I to compete with ingredients that literally make my precious babies addicted to them?

  • How are we supposed to feed our kids food from the Earth in comparison with factory-perfected crack I mean, products.

Since these kiddie’s health (and my own health for that matter) is of utmost importance to me, I spend a great amount of time researching, learning, understanding how I can give them food they will want to eat, that’s nutritious and delicious!


(Homemade, strawberry-cheesecake bites! Check out the recipe here!

Without anymore delay, let's get to our list:

1) Let them grow their own seeds/plants:

These are some peppers growing in my garden! What is more fun than watching something grow, caring for it and then having it develop into something you can eat! A favorite plant for this (and easy to grow) is strawberries! I suggest this to the parents of all the little ones I know! The kids love watching their plants grow and are so excited to see them bearing fruit that they cannot wait to eat them! (Also try tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cucumbers, carrots which all go over really well with the little ones!) We can grow so many wonderfully nutritious foods for us at our own houses! If you don’t have much land, you can use pots on the window sill, plant at a family member’s house, share gardens with your neighbours to save money and have access to the healthiest food you can imagine… is that too much? Am I getting too ambitious?

OK, well at least let us try to add some fruits and veggies to the kids’ diets, right? Some pots outside on the front steps will surely ignite the excitement in our kiddies appetite!

If this is not possible for you and you feel like you can’t grow your own food (if you have questions, please feel free to contact me and I will try to help you!) then let’s try the next best thing:

2) Have the child choose! Give them a choice!

Take the children with you to pick and choose what flavors and smells appeal to them. Let them look at what is available, bring it to their nose, let them smell. Engaging the kids in the process will make them feel more attached and excited to the fruit. I remember my mom used to take me to the fruit aisle at the grocery store and let me pick out what grapes I wanted. I tried many of them over the years as I experimented but found out that I liked the green ones the best. After that I would always say “can you please pick up some grapes?” She would even give me one to try well I was standing there, as if to excite me until we got to the car. It always worked.

Try questions such as:

  • “Do you like how it smells?”
  • “Would you like to taste this one?”
  • “Do you like sweet/sour?" (with example of something they are used to eating that they can relate to)
  • “Do you like the color of this?”

3) Sweet as candy:

(without adding artificial flavors or processed sugars!)
This is a smoothie bowl made with frozen fruit and water blended into different colors, then sprinkled with some coconut flakes, sliced strawberries and goji berries!

Fresh fruits are full of their own sweetness, so they can be eaten alone once the palate is prepared for it but I find with my little ones that they like a bit of sweetness added. While I would prefer they eat it raw, if the sweetness helps them eat it, I am not going to complain too much (but slowly wean them off.)


These additives will tempt the kiddies competing with the vengeance of the artificial sweeteners they are used to!

  • Shredded coconut
  • Maple syrup/coconut nectar/ honey (if not vegan)
  • Dates
    (You can also sprinkle things on top like cinnamon if your child likes the taste!)
    PS: Cinnamon is full of health benefits such as being filled of antioxidants, having anti-inflammatory properties, lowering blood sugar levels etc… it’s really a wonder-spice!

4) Make it playful:

In my experience, getting the kids involved and making it fun is a huge help in whether or not they want to eat your end result. That is why I have all kinds of shapes and colors in my kitchen! I make my treats look appealing to the kids by making them bite-able, finger foods!

It can be made into a game or an activity, a special exercise that you can set up and make fun! Food turned arts and crafts is hugely effective!

For this dish, I used cookie cutters to make the fruits into fun shapes that even I had a ball playing with! After making holes in my banana slices, I used the same cutter to cut the strawberries and put the cutout inside the banana hole! See how fun it looks? They say not to play with your food but you know what? These cutouts are too fun not to? And now, ta-da the kids are eating their fruits!

stuff for kids.jpg

I hope these little tips and tricks help you with your own little ones. I try to make my treats kid-friendly since I am just a big kid at heart, I think I am a decent judge ;)


Tested and approved by my little angels back in the states! Let me know how this goes for you!

My new friend @sunshine247 recently shared one of my smoothie recipes with her grandbabies, making a whole experience out of putting together the pretty pink and orange smoothie and it was a huge success! Here's a picture of the gorgeous gals in the middle of their fun!


Please share these tips with your friends and family so that more little ones around the world can get their real, whole foods that are so important to their health!

This post was inspired by #fruitsandveggiesmonday hosted by one of my favorite souls on here, @lenasveganliving (check out her blog for delicious recipes!)

Sending you love through food, as always! If you are new here, it's great to have you here! I am a food fanatic as you'll surely see, and I am a strong believer in the power it has within it, and the ability it has to heal us! I aim to inspire through my recipes and posts and hope to connect with you here, through your heart. Some say the way to the heart is through the stomach, I might just agree with that theory ;)

Until next time,
heartofthematternew logo.jpg
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I remember my mom put sugar on strawberries. It seems so silly now - sweetening something naturally sweet.

What kids need to be "tricked" into eating fruit?! Fruit just feeds our sugar-addicted society. We eat way too much fruit - particularly fruit that has to be transported from a climate much different than our own.

Vegetables -- that's another story. Veggies are the thing kids need more of. They can be arranged in cute and enticing manners. Described as a broccoli forest and carrot kingdom. Give them a choice at the grocery store. Make soup together. Eventually, they will crave the nutritional goodness.

I remember my mom doing that too! As a special treat and sometimes whipped cream too! Ugh and I used to just LOVE IT! How could you not? The sugar overload is through the roof!

As far as "what kids need to be tricked" in my experience, many of them! They want the really sweet ones with all the toppings, sure... but it can be a struggle to have them choose an orange over a brownie. All I can say is my own experience with tons of kids over the years and being involved in elementary... the lunchboxes are terrifying.

I am noticing here now that in the midst of traveling, I was typing my post in word and then when I got internet I brought it over here, I went back and added a portion in the word doc that's not here on the farmer's market and sourcing, linking in my previous post on where food comes from. I agree with you that imported, chemically laden fruits or veggies for that matter are not the way to go which is why I suggested growing your own and chose only a select few plants that have gone over really well in the past for me.

As far as veggies go, the techniques are the same as listed here, but trying to use all of my own original content, I didn't have many veggie pictures crafted in the ways of this post as I did for fruit but definitely the same things go. As I said, the choice at the store, having them play with it and get engaged with it and making it fun, all apply. I see you've recentered the points I made in on veggies and I love it, I agree definitely. It's all about changing how they see what they're eating and I think we can change that and hopefully see improved health and happiness from our young ones! Thanks for the engagement !<3

Hi mhrose!

I thought I would share with you some of my thoughts :)

"It seems so silly now - sweetening something naturally sweet."

I understand this is done to the majority fruits and vegetables grown in the states. I believe this is done because the methods we undertake to grow food that we find at grocery stores (this includes organic) causes them to taste so bland and lose their natural greatness.

" We eat way too much fruit - particularly fruit that has to be transported from a climate much different than our own."

Absolutely agree!! @heart-to-heart does as well as she put that as her first point, to have the kids grow the food!! I think this would solve the problem many of our fruits at the store have, and create the healthiest food for us, if we grow it.

"Veggies are the thing kids need more of. "

Kids (in our dominant society) may need more veggies, just as they need more fruit. But I don't believe it would do them any good if it's just veggies from the store racked with the same problems as store bought fruits. Plus, veggies on their own are impossible to live off of as they don't contain enough vital energy (or hardly any calories for that matter). Veggies are a great compliment to starches, fruits(and fruit products: seeds/nuts), but I don't see why you would put down fruits and prop up veggies. Unless of course, you're not talking about actual fruits, some people consider fruits like pumpkin, tomato, cucumber etc to be veggies. Maybe you're talking about those pseudo-veggies...

Also, to me, (please correct me if I'm mistaken) that you were offering up your suggestion for vegetables in that manner as a counter to @heart-to-hearts post. I noticed that this was done as you offered up the same suggestions she offered in the post as if they were contesting her points (cook together, make it a game, arranged it cute enticing manner). I think this was a wonderful post and am confused why the top comment seems to be contesting her points while also supporting them. So, I went and wrote this whole long comment as I'm just wondering what your thought process was here, as it rather confused me...

Thanks for the reply, @rieki. We are, for the most part, in agreement:

Get kids more involved in growing, preparing, enjoying...wholesome foods. And @heart-to-heart has many good suggestions along those lines.

Where a difference lies, for me, is the emphasis on sweet produce. I feel they should be more of a treat, or a dessert, than a several times a day occurrence.

And this comes from me - one who has been raised addicted to sugar. I know from experience that the sweet produce makes you want more sweet produce or confections, changes your pallet so that the flavors from other produce can’t compete, and even causes blood sugar imbalances.

As a parent of young kids, I always felt good about providing them wholesome, even exotic fruits, in plenty. But now, with 20/20 hindsight, I would take a more sparing approach to sugary fruits. We had a blueberry bush in our yard, but it didn’t provide a cupful of berries/day. We would watch them ripen with great anticipation, and really enjoy each morsel right from the bush.

I also have a different view of the amazing selection of produce available at the market now. Years ago, the convenience and variety just wasn’t there. So, our appreciation of the new, seasonal choices was high. Today, people take food, and where it comes from, for granted.

I’m glad @heart-to-heart showed ways to help kids experience growing, cooking, displaying, and tasting.

I merely believe it’s a lot easier to do when it comes to sweet fruits and desserts, than asparagus or a nourishing stew.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts a bit more :)

"And this comes from me - one who has been raised addicted to sugar."

Not all sugars are created equal! Sugar is required for life, even if you let your body convert fat into sugar, it is still required...

"We had a blueberry bush in our yard, but it didn’t provide a cupful of berries/day. We would watch them ripen with great anticipation, and really enjoy each morsel right from the bush."

That sounds wonderful :) :)

I personally believe that, sweet or not, all food grown in season and in our own domain is the best food for us. I especially believe that our desire to eat it (wonderful flavour) is the absolute best indication for the health it brings to us. There is a world-of-a-difference in flavour between home-grown and store bought foods in every category. Even more so when these foods are combined with our personal DNA. I don't prioritize un-enjoyable foods over enjoyable ones. I personally think our body craves what it needs (when presented with healthy choices and free from addiction, microbiological and otherwise). This is of course saying that we would have to grow all our food ourselves in order to follow this natural instinct.

All this is to say, that yes, most our modified and selectively bred fruits we find at the store today are abominations compared to their health-brining home-grown counterparts. So, I agree probably tone down on the fruits if bought from a store. However, if (and I do) grow my fruits myself. I eat them to my hearts content, I enjoy everything I put into my body, from my mouth to my gut! I eat what I feel like eating and I have never been in better health condition in my life.

This is all my defense of sweet fruits :)

"Today, people take food, and where it comes from, for granted."

Couldn't agree more! So, let's grow our own food and enjoy it without judgment :)

Happy for you to grow your own foods!!

Enjoy them!

Thank you :) They are indeed wonderful gifts!!

Indeed, we need to be creative, to find different ways to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in children's diet. When I was little I did not like broccoli, but now it's my favorite vegetable

That's awesome to hear! I think media is a huge problem... I remember watching something when I was young where the character said he didn't like brussel sprouts and made a huge fuss about it so then I did that when my mom tried to feed them to me! Now I LOVE them and would eat them any day, any way in a heartbeat! Imagine if we just excited our kids from the beginning, they'd never think they didn't like them!

So fresh fruits 😍

All from the farmer's market as well =D

Your ideas here are top notch. I've definitely found that having my kids help me in the garden, from planting seeds, watering and watching the little sprouts, to observing the plants as they grow and fruit, and PATIENTLY waiting for the fruits to ripen....all of this helps them get more nutrition and UNDERSTANDING of how their food grows and where it can come from, AND the miracle of nature and growing food. Just yesterday one of our cucumbers was finally ready, after many days of pseudo-patience, and we snipped it off together and one of my kids ate nearly the entire thing while walking around the back yard, asking everyone to try it because it was "so sweet". Thanks @heart-to-heart for spreading this message!

Hi @jaymorebeet I just love hearing this! I wish this was more common! I know so many parents say they don't have time to plant a garden but I have a certificate in "easy gardening" basically haha well really, it's called permaculture but the idea is to make things less work and work for you as you work with it instead of against it. The principles are so simple to implement and I see such amazing benefits and results from the kids being involved like you're speaking about! I bet that cucumber was so delicious and so much healthier for you! MOM AWARD! <3

Oh man I can't wait to see more of your posts on permaculture - I don't have a lot of space, but it's something I'd love to get more into. You're right that the feeling of 'fighting' nature to grow things just doesn't seem right. Let's just all get along, shall we?! Thanks for the Mom Award. I'll be expecting my trophy in the mail any day now right? :)

I was traveling this week and just got home to see my eggplants had sprouted from their flowers, tiny babies coming to life! It's so exciting (especially because they are purple and beautiful!) Yes for sure, I have been meaning to do more gardening/permaculture posts however, as I am sure you have noticed by now, my creativity is a bit jumbled into everything haha I need more time in the day to express everything it wants me to! Especially with my garden springing to life, I'll make sure to get on it! I'd be happy to help you get your veggies growing 💜 Ya, with mail the way it is, customs and imports... soon! 💜

Friend!!!!! This is wonderful .. I love that your content will include getting kids involved .. You know I am going to have a lot of fun with this also.. when you post a kid friendly idea, I will be all over it. GREAT GREAT GREAT idea!!!! You are a ROCK STAR .. I am so excited to see what you have coming up in the near future .. Seeing my graddaughters in your post makes me melt .. we love those little buggers .. I love you Friend .. SUNSHINE247

I hope you don't mind but they are just the cutest and I wanted people to see what can happen if we just give kids the opportunity to play! You were a huge inspiration to me in writing this post because I just want so badly for our kiddies' futures to be independent of the sugar and not so great treat making industries! I promise I will keep sharing with you, those girls are so darling <3

I enjoy seeing them in the posts as well :) Brings a smile to my face even though I get to see them several times per week. Cant wait to see more .. Have a GREAT rest of your week - I have to search for your daily posts now :) SUNSHINE247

You get to see them several times a week? Lucky grandma, I will have to make them something fun to try next time they are over =D 💜💙

That would be GREAT!!!!! Looking forward to it!!! SUNSHINE247

You are correct, good to make it relevant. Thanks for your suggestion

Hey @charles1 I am all for supporting you and think you make great content but I really feel strongly that this kind of comment here isn't very appropriate or appreciated. This is a post about helping parents get their kids to eat fruits and veggies... I don't mind you plugging your blog through my efforts whenever it is relevant as I want you to succeed but I have to be honest with you, this time I am slightly offended especially since you did this twice on the same post with no correlation to my content or subject matter. Let's work together to make Steemit great. We can encourage and help support each other but let's not take advantage of each other by spamming comments! There are so many other ways we can grow! <3

that is really great things you told and i am so glad that you are so addicted to veggies....

Thanks @birjudanak! Hopefully I can inspire everyone to be =D Veggie time is coming up! <3

These are awesome tips and am sure that it can trick many children into eating fruits and veggies-thanks for sharing with us.

See my comment on your other post -_-

Thanks for your response...I agree with you . Updated accordingly. Hope all is well <3

Awesome I am so glad you understand! =D Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

I was reading a post by @inquiringtimes, when he said that you write good post. Then, I'm here, reading this post. Your name in Spanish is @de-corazón-a-corazón. I love to care my health and this post is splendid for me. I'm from Venezuela but I read a few English, and when is difficult for me, I use the translater google.
Thanks for sharing this. I love it.
My upvote for you and I'm your new follower :)
You have precious eyes.
Hugs from Venezuela

Hi @oneray awww thank you for coming by! @inquiringtimes is too sweet, he's always flattering me. I am sorry my Spanish is very limited but gracias <3

I hope I can inspire you more through my heart, I put my love into all of my posts and appreciate getting to know people like you and @inquiringtimes here :)

Welcome to Steemit my new friend! XO

I am happy if everyone under the Steemwave knows that you are awesome-sauce @heart-to-heart

OOOOO! Awesomesauce? Thank you, that's high-level-flattery my friend 💜💙My head's swelling XO

It doesn't matter if your Spanish is not very good. My English is very limited too, jajaja. But, when I can not understand, appear google translater. Thanks for your attention. It's a pleasure for me to know you.

Hi @oneray, google translator bringing us together =D Have a great weekend 💜💙☀️

My friend @yusaymon is also from venezuela :)

:) This is fantastic.
I'll read his blog and I'll watch wht he writes.

These are really good ideas, thanks for sharing with us, to me it is an important thing in my children's lives is to eat healthily, I found blending fruit and adding water and freezing them to make ice fruit shapes gets them excited as they think it's a treat like chocolate. thanks for sharing your post with us. :)

I love that idea! That's so fun! I use my ice cube trays all of the time, they are such a perfect tool for this :) I love hearing parent-success stories <3 Great job! =D

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