8 Things You Should Do Every Day to Improve your Overall Health and Happiness

in #health7 years ago


Laugh Often
Laughter has many surprising health benefits that you probably didn’t know. It decreases stress hormones, increases immune cells, and increases infection-causing antibodies, overall improving your resistance to disease. Life is too short to be so serious. Let go and find the things that make you the most happy and follow it. Be around those that bring out the best person in you and let go of those that bring you down.

Exercise More
Studies have shown, that daily exercise improves health and the quality of life. These studies show that physical activity boosts both mental and physical wellness. Physical activity relieves tension, anxiety, depression and anger. Almost immediately after your workout, you will feel a sensation of accomplishment and positivity. This is due to endorphins which your brain releases during workouts. So get your workout on, anywhere, anytime!

Spend More Time Outside
It has been proven that being outside reduces stress, stimulates creativity, and improves memory. In addition, being outside in the fresh air and sunlight helps improve immune system functions, helping your body fight off illnesses. This is due to the fact that when you are outside, your body produces more natural killer cells, which help fight off viruses and cancer. So go outside, have a picnic, walk your dog, and enjoy the day!

Spend More Time with Family and Friends
This activity will help stimulate happiness. Relationships are one of the most valuable assets that we have in our lives, yet most of the time we take them for granted. People who tend to live longer, emphasize the importance of being social and valuing relationships. Overall, friends and family bring us the happiness and love we all need in life!

Make the Right Food Choices
Always choose healthy! By intaking the right food, your body and mind will thank you. Our bodies run on what we eat and drink. Intaking the right foods, such as fruits and vegetables, will help our body receive the proper nutrients that are needed. This results in an increase in energy, proteins, essential fats, vitamins and minerals. So don't give in and make the right choice!

Meditate and Do Yoga
This is the easiest way to stimulate overall mental health and happiness. The mind is the most important part of the human body. Meditation and yoga are effective ways to eliminate negative thoughts, worries, and anxiety. Just try it and I promise, you will notice a substantial increase in happiness after doing so.

Get Enough Sleep
The suggested sleep an individual should get each night is between 7-9 hours. If you are not getting enough sleep, your mental health is negatively impacted. In addition, lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. So make sure to get a healthy amount of sleep each night and you will begin to notice a difference in your mental health.

Be Happy and Be Positive
Choose happiness! Never take for granted what you have in life. Be positive and thankful for the fact that you are alive, healthy, able to read this post, and living on this earth another day. It is hard to always be happy, it is natural for humans to go through mood cycles. But always remember what you have in life, not what you don’t. This mentality just in itself will help you live a better, positive, and more fulfilled life.

If there is anything that you do every day, that you find helps with your overall health, share down below! I’d love to hear from you guys. Hope this post helps and you’ve learned some new tips that will help you be more healthier and happier!


Good stuff for health.

Very informative and interesting post! Meditation and Yoga are some of my favorite ways to happiness.

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