Know your food series, Day 3- Lemon

in #health7 years ago



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Lemons have many beneficial health properties that have been recognized for centuries. The two main ones are, on the one hand, their powerful anti-bacterial and antiviral action and, on the other hand, their effectiveness in stimulating the immune system; It is also used in diets because lemon juice is also digestive and is a good depurative for the liver.

Lemons contain many substances, particularly citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonene, which strengthen the body's defenses and fight infections.

How should lukewarm water be prepared?
Use mineral water that should be warm and not boiling. The water must not be cold, for our organism assimilates it slowly, and we must expend more energy to assimilate ice water than warm water. Always use fresh lemons, organic preferably, and never lemon juice bottled. Squeeze 1/2 lemon into a glass of water to drink on waking and fasting.

It's the Know your food series in which a food item is selected everyday and it's benefits and nutritional facts will be presented. So food of the day is lemon. Here are some nutritional facts first-

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy121 kJ (29 kcal)
Carbohydrates9.32 g
Sugars2.5 g
Dietary fiber2.8 g
Fat0.3 g
Protein1.1 g


Vitamins play many roles in the body. Their main actions are co-enzymatic function and antioxidant and hormonal actions.

Vitamins are involved in 4 major types of functions:

  • Coenzyme function: the vitamin binds to the enzyme that catalyses a chemical reaction and acts in conjunction with it. For example, vitamin B2 acts as a coenzyme in energy production by glucose oxidation.

  • The transfer of protons and electrons in the respiratory chain and the neutralization of free radicals which are toxic to the tissues (antioxidant action).

  • Stabilization of membranes by inhibition of oxidation phenomena.

  • A function of hormonal type by triggering the synthesis of an protein.

Vitamins participate in many cell metabolisms by intervening in chemical reactions either as an active agent, or by allowing the reaction between two agents, or by neutralizing the waste of the reaction.

Thiamine (B1)(3%)0.04 mg
Riboflavin (B2)(2%)0.02 mg
Niacin (B3)(1%)0.1 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)(4%)0.19 mg
Vitamin B6(6%)0.08 mg
Folate (B9)(3%)11 μg
Choline(1%)5.1 mg
Vitamin C(64%)53 mg


  • Minerals are essential to most physiological mechanisms. They must be present in an appropriate balance. The athlete or the active individual must be careful not to miss every day at risk of physical and mental disorder and weariness.
  • A balanced diet normally meets our daily needs, but in the event of a food dysfunction or poorly assimilated component, the use of dietary supplements and other mineral complexes can be useful for re-balancing and therefore beneficial to health.
Calcium(3%)26 mg
Iron(5%)0.6 mg
Magnesium(2%)8 mg
Manganese(1%)0.03 mg
Phosphorus(2%)16 mg
Potassium(3%)138 mg
Zinc(1%)0.06 mg




The benefits of warm lemon water

It facilitates digestion

  • Lemon juice promotes the elimination of waste and toxins. Due to its atomic composition similar to that of saliva and hydrochloric acid in the digestive juices, it stimulates the liver to produce bile, an acid necessary for digestion.

  • Lemons are also rich in minerals and vitamins and reduce toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive properties of lemon juice relieve the symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, referrals and abdominal distension. The American Cancer Society recommends that cancer patients drink hot lemon water to stimulate intestinal movements.

2. It deputes the urinary system because it is diuretic

  • Lemon juice also promotes waste disposal because it increases the amount of urine in the body. So, when drinking lemon juice, the toxins are eliminated more quickly and the urinary tract remains healthy. The citric acid of the lemons activates the function of the enzyme which stimulates the liver and allows it to detoxify.

3. It stimulates the immune system

  • The lemon is rich in vitamin C, and it is therefore very useful for fighting the common cold. It is rich in potassium and stimulates the brain and nervous system. Potassium also helps to control blood pressure. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) that is contained in lemon has anti-inflammatory effects and is used as a supplement to treat asthma and other respiratory problems, and it also improves the absorption capacity of iron by the body.

4. It balances the blood pH level

  • Lemon is one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. It is acid itself, but in the body it becomes alkaline (citric acid does not produce acidity in the body once metabolized). Lemon contains as much citric acid as ascorbic acid, both weak acids which are easily metabolized in the body and which make the mineral content of the lemon alkaline the blood.

  • Pathological states occur only when the pH of the body is acidic. Thus, drinking lemon water regularly can serve to eliminate the body's total acidity, such as uric acid whose excess is one of the main causes of painful joints and joint inflammations.

5. It cleans the skin

  • Vitamin C and other antioxidants that contain lemon help to clear wrinkles and stains, and fight free radicals. Vitamin C is vital to keep skin healthy and bright because its alkaline nature destroys some of the bacteria that are causing acne. In fact, it can be applied directly on scars or on age spots to lighten them. And since lemon water purifies the blood by eliminating toxins, it allows us to have a clean skin by acting from inside!

6. Lemon gives energy and improves morale

  • The energy that a human being derives from food comes from the atoms and molecules of these foods. When positive ions of food enter the digestive tract and interact with the enzymes charged with positive ions, a reaction takes place. Lemon is one of those few foods that are loaded with more negative ions and that, by reaching the digestive tract, give more energy to the body. The aroma of the lemon also has energizing powers that activate the good mood. The smell of lemon juice helps to reduce the level of anxiety and depressive symptoms.

7. It is used to heal wounds

  • (vitamin C) found in lemon is used to heal wounds; It is an essential nutrient to keep bones healthy, as well as connective tissue and cartilage. As mentioned above, vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties. Ultimately, vitamin C is essential for good health, a balanced psychological state and the resolution of lesions.

8. It refreshes the breath

  • Lemon helps to freshen breath and also relieve dental pain and gingivitis. It should not be forgotten that citric acid can erode dental enamel: the ideal is to brush your teeth before drinking the lemon water or wait a while if you brush your teeth after having it drunk. Similarly, one can rinse the mouth with purified water after drinking lemon water.

9. It moisturizes the lymphatic system

  • The lukewarm lemon water contributes to the proper functioning of the immunological system by moisturizing it and bringing the fluids that the body has eliminated. When the body is deprived of water, the following consequences are felt: fatigue, torpor, impaired immune defenses, constipation, lack of energy, too high or too low blood pressure, insomnia, lack of mental clarity, etc.

10. It helps to lose weight

  • The lemon is very rich in pectin, which helps to reduce appetite. Several studies have shown that people who follow an alkaline diet tend to lose weight faster!

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this post made me feel even better about the lemons I just had.

Great trail! We should all consider living as healthy as possible!

Keep doing these! It's actually really useful

good for helping with kidney stones they are

I am such a big fan of lemons, walking through a lemon garden is like heaven.
I like to make smoothies with lemon, just add some yoghurt, avocado and a lot of dates :)


@health-trail guys I found some interesting research that can be beneficial to everyone concern with health especially those suffering with asthma, I need your help to promote this post so that it can reach the largest audience possible. Here is the link

nice information thank you ...:)

Love this, one of my work colleges calls me the lemon lady!

I never knew that our body uses more energy for could water vs warm water 💕

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