Sensory Deprivation Tanks. DO IT DO IT DO IT

in #health8 years ago


This weekend I scheduled a session in a sensory deprivation tank or float tank. If you are new to this term it’s basically a giant tub filled with water and epsom salt. You effortlessly float in this magic tub. There are options to keep the tank open, have a light on, play music, or you can completely enclose yourself with no light or sound.

Which is what I did.

For an hour.

There are a lot of benefits to floating. Sensory deprivation helps you slip into deep meditation which can lower your stress and alleviate depression and anxiety. The magnesium in Epsom salt helps with muscle recovery, reduces blood pressure, relieves pain and relaxes the body. For pregnant women it releases a lot of back pain as they are unable to lay on their backs during pregnancy and can’t really ever get a break from the weight strain. Bless you women, bless you.

Here’s a replay of what my session was like.

I was welcomed and led to a private room where there was a float tub, shower, towels and everything I needed. I was instructed to shower and wash off my oil/perfumes so the clean water isn’t compromised. You have complete control of the room. Opening and closing the tank (there is no lock so don’t freak out), music and light on or off, and I suppose you don’t have to stay for the full hour but it’s definitely recommended and I think I know why.

So, I undressed, showered and slunk in. It’s really neat when you’re inside because you don’t feel like it’s a small space. I never felt claustrophobic. The water is body temperature so no shock there. I immediately lay down to see how well I floated. One of my first thoughts was am I going to fall asleep and swallow water. The answer is no. There is no way. The tub is filled with 900 lbs of Epsom salt and 215 gallons of water. You’re physically unable to sink. Great job science. I was so buoyant when I tried to push myself towards the bottom of the tub I popped back up like a floatie. So, check, not going to drown. Great. Moving on.

I knew I wanted no music or light but the blue light inside was so soothing I ended up laying there for a few minutes to enjoy it. Actually, I started laughing at myself. For like, a minute. I was so giggly at the whole idea of me floating naked in this manufactured womb. It’s similar to imagining people in an airplane but take the outer shell off the plane and you’ve got perfectly aligned rows of people all sitting the same way moving slowly in the sky. Take the outer shell of this building off, zoom out and you’ve got a bunch of cubicles with little naked adults floating in blue tubs. Is this not funny to anyone else?

The reason I wanted to experience this float was more for meditation purposes. I wanted to see if anything magical could happen when I removed a couple senses and paused my world for an hour. After my giggle fest I turned the light off and tried to get acquainted. Now, being the child I am, if it’s dark my mind does weird things and freaks me out. So after 15 seconds the light was back on. I couldn’t focus but I wanted the full experience. My stream of consciousness went something like this: Light on, light off, where’s the side of the tub, I can’t find the light switch, am I okay? I’m okay. When my eyes are open it’s just as dark as if they are closed but I feel safer if they are closed. Just do it. Open your eyes and have the experience, you’re fine. What if I see weird stuff? Ooo my body is silky with all this salt. How long have I been thinking? How long have I been in here? Breathe. Whats for lunch? damnit.

This went on for 5 or 10 minutes. Once I was settled with the light off I felt my body fully relax. I lost track of time. If I left my eyes open I started to see those neon blue and green images your eyes create if you have them closed. My breathing slowed way down. I don’t float well otherwise so this was really nice for me. Now, midway through I had to pee. I didn’t want to interrupt my time but I was distracted by it so I got out and went. Saltwater dripped down into my eyes which was unfortunate. Good thing they provide a water bottle to spray your eyes just in case. (Imagine me hunkering like a little frog inside closed tank vigorously spraying my eyes. Your welcome.) This is not the Buddha like trance I was hoping for. I expected when I got back in my session would soon be over but I still had 15-20 minutes. An hour is a long time if you give it to yourself in the right way.

My time ended. I got out and felt pretty normal. After having my complimentary tea, (and stealing a couple tea bags to go because that's who I am) I got in my car and realized I was extremely relaxed. Deeply deeply relaxed. I wondered if I should drive home in such a state but I wasn't tired. Just the most calm I have ever been. My drive home was 30 minutes on the highway and it was kind of hilarious looking back. I must have been the most easy going person on the road since the beginning of time. I wasn't driving slow but was in no rush to get anywhere, do anything or even think about anything. I was so content being present and driving. You know when you zone out in the car and you're like how did I even get here? Because your body remembers how to drive but your mind is in 1000 other places? Nope. None of that. I was observing everything in it's own time. I didn't feel the urge to text, check social media, look at my to do list, etc.

That was the most beneficial effect I got from the whole experience. My mind was free. I had more moments of clarity after the float than I did during. I had a whole vision about how time passes without us no matter what we do. I don't know…it was very philosophical and beautiful. You had to be there. You'd have to go back in time and crawl into my brain and I don't know how to do that. Also, please don't do that.

I do think the real benefits of floating come after. However, my time in the tub wasn’t void of meaningful thought. I was hoping for some perspective and direction in my life. And you know what the one thought I got from my time in there was? “It’s going to be uncomfortable.” Hah. Hilarious, mind. Thank you for your input. But that’s where I’m at. I have to go through some of that life junk right now, as well all do. Here is the great thing though. That thought came and left effortlessly. Like I had read it in a book about someone else. I didn’t have any emotion attached to it or opinions on it. It came, I accepted it. There was nothing else to it. And now I don’t feel so worried about approaching the near future.

The float was great. It was new and weird and a lovely treat. Everyone is going to have a different experience and I may have had an easier time settling in had I gone in with zero expectations. With everything going on in our minds and all the distractions outside we really need that full hour to settle in and still have enough time to spend relaxing. I think it takes a lot to let ourselves relax. But we definitely need it. We deserve it. How else are we supposed to know ourselves if we don’t shut everything off and listen?

Was I a perfect example of an enlightened soul the rest of the day? No, obviously not. I'm human, I get annoyed by things. Leave me alone. Which brings me to some do's and don'ts if you decide to try floating. If not, I do hope everyone takes some time to disconnect so you can reconnect. It comes in many forms ya know? And I think it makes the world a better place.

-Hydrate the couple days before so you aren't guzzling water to try and catch up and have to pee in the middle of your session. (And for those of you scolding me in your heads because I should have gone before, I DID. I'm not 5. Also thanks for reading this you're super sweet.)

-Be naked. Don't wear a swim suit. That's dumb. Who doesn't want to be naked? Do they even allow that?

-If you want music or light I suggest calming music or a meditation. Keep it light.

-Leave lots of time for yourself after to relax and take your time leaving. Time to be in this magical floating state. Alone.

Ok little chickens. Hope this was enlightening or at the very least entertaining... see you soon!



wish i had hard is to set one of these up in a town?

I'm not sure! Definitely worth looking into. I assume the equipment is particular but it's out there.

Would you try it on shrooms?

ok...yes, yes, yes. I have so many thoughts on this.

Great article! I've floated 3 times now and it just gets better with each experience. I've noticed the relaxing after effects last sometimes a whole week. It's incredible!

Love that you have had that experience! Thats crazy those effects lasted a week. Looks like I need to go back... thanks for reading!

Thank you for sharing and taking us readers on that journey and experience with you. It sounds like a very intriguing and interesting way to meditate. I wonder if it's like floating on jello but just a bit more fluid based.
Either way I enjoyed the entirety of your blog, your personality really shines through your writing and is confirmed by your small vids as well. Looking forward to your music too by the way. Upvoted

Nice write-up :). I love "do it do it do it". This is the right answer :P

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