How to Drink Enough Water

in #health7 years ago

5 things that change when you drink enough water
Doctors, health professionals and fitness pros keep recommending lots of drinks - but why? We tell youCapture.PNGYou should drink 1.5 to 2 liters a day (recommended by the German Nutrition Society, DGE), preferably water or unsweetened fruit tea, as both are calorie-free. This is at least regularly read in all articles on health and fitness. But the simple to implement Council is quickly forgotten in everyday stress. Here is a soft drink, as a juice - and the day is over and the water bottle is still as full as in the morning. At the latest since biology lessons, we know that humans can easily do without food for a few days, but not without liquids. Water is essential ...

But what help all the advice from experts, if they are only rarely heeded in the end? In order to remind you - without any finger pointing - of the importance of sufficient drinking, we summarize the striking arguments for this. Bet that the regular grip on the water bottle makes it all the easier for you ... !?

  1. You can treat yourself to small dietary sins
    Our body is about 70 percent water. And yet we should rather supply him with extra liquid to lose every superfluous gram - even fat. In fact, the body actually consumes calories when it comes to water intake and processing. That's why fitness experts recommend drinking half a liter before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime - and you'll have the recommended 1.5 to 2 liters of it. In addition, the removal of fat deposits unfortunately also causes the release of toxins. And they have to be flushed out of the body with water, so that the pounds can actually fall into a healthy state. So your body cope now and then one of these tantalizing chocolate sins - adé, guilty conscience!
  2. They fit again in their favorite summer shoes
    In the summer we are reminded not only thanks to the hot temperatures of sufficient drinking, but also with a view of the feet and hands. Because when they are swollen, caution is required. Then you definitely did not drink enough! Sounds crazy, but is easy to explain: If the body does not drink regularly, he drives the survival strategy and stores rather what is there to be able to provide the important organs permanently.
  3. You need less makeup
    The bad news: blemishes & Co. are not just a matter of predisposition. The good news is that you can fight picking and cellulite - just by drinking enough! In fact, this simple trick helps and your complexion shines again without any make-up and rouge layer. Because the individual body cells are carriers of water, and who suffers from a pale complexion, should be pleased about the "push-up effect", the water supply has for the skin cells.
  4. They banish toxins from the body
    Not only to maintain bodily functions, the body needs water. First and foremost, we should enable him to eliminate pollutants from the kidneys ergo via the urine very quickly from the organism. Dark urine is considered an indication of a water shortage. The brighter the urine, the healthier the water balance and the better the metabolism. And since we're already dealing with pollutants: who adds aloe juice to the water, has been proven to absorb almost 150 different anti-inflammatory ingredients - the body is looking forward to it!
  5. You work more effectively
    You think you can not concentrate on your tasks because you are hungry? No, it could be more because they simply did not drink enough. In fact, our body wants to tell us something when we can not concentrate properly. Because even our brain regulates our thirst senses via hormones. And if it always has to sound the alarm so that we absorb all vital substances, it is at the expense of concentration.

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