Pesky Insect Bites?
A itch rash broke out a couple days ago and it is spreading. I can not figure out if it is a poison ivy, a chigger bite or what.
All I know for sure, it sure itches like crazy on my left fore arm.
I applied some Alo vera on the rash area but not seemed to help. It might have made it worse since the rash has spread bigger since the last night.
This morning I applied some diluted Apple Cider Vinegar to see if it will help the healing and itching. I am still itching.
This same rash showed up the last year about this time during the spring season so, I am thinking the rash is from an one type of insect.
Some time it is best to let the nature head the rash. I just may have to suffer through the itchiness and try some other natural remedies.
I will ask my friend, Lisa, a herbalist who know so much about the natural remedies for all kinds of illness and infections.
Have you had a rash that itches like crazy? What did apply on the rash to get it healed up?
Your feed back would be appreciated.
Be healthy and be strong.
David/ Hanamana
same here, better to leave it nature, not to scratch and than it goes better, all the best for your hand
Which country are you all in now?
It could be a plant that comes out this time of year as well as an insect. Maybe an allergic reaction to a plant. Well this isn't a herbal solution but cortisone is my go to for rashes.
Do not like to use cortisone....only like to use natural herbal remedies.
............. your health information...@hanamana.
Thanks for your feed back.