Dream Healing, The Akashic Records And DMT
I have lived a thousand lives and every night when I fall asleep I live at-least one more, I have been an observer, a participant and I have alternated between. But perhaps my most powerful dreams are not the ones that have taken me spontaneously but the ones I have manifested with constant questioning.
First let me tell you what drove me to my discovery, for three years my digestive system was overrun by a bacteria infection. I started having headaches that would turn to migraines every single day, I became so desensitized to the headaches that when I really thought about how bad it was I would break down and cry, I went to doctors and specialists but no one could tell me what was wrong even though I knew there was something going on. I studied psychology in college and always felt very attached to the dream realm, astral projection and lucid dreaming experiences. I have had vivid, symbolic, prophetic, and illusion shattering dreams for 6 years, many of the prophecy dreams I didn’t believe were true until they were validated in my waking life and sometimes not even then. This connection to my dreams lead me to learn about dream Incubation.
In the ancient world, many cultures built elaborate temple complexes dedicated to their healer gods, Imhotep in Egypt and Asklepios in Greece for example, these gods were recognized as having the power to cure supplicants from a variety of ailments within sleep and sacred dreams. Those who desired healing might travel many hundreds of miles to reach such a temple.
Present within most of these sleep temples were elaborate systems of fasting, dedication, lustration, purification, ritual drama, sensory deprivation or over-stimulation, invocation and dream interpretation.
I believe the practice of ‘dream incubation’ reveals many secrets regarding the journey of human consciousness, the evolution of memory and language, the mind-body connection, the placebo effect and the unconscious mind’s potent response to imagination, story and symbolism.
The ancients of all advanced cultures spoke often of magnetic forces and geomancy (Earth magic). These were critical factors in site selection. Modern geographical surveys of sleep temple sites, often reveal interesting geological anomalies, such as vortexes, iron-rich springs and caves.
During a summer trip in 2013 my husband and I camped out on a few acres of land he used to own, at the time I didn’t know it was near an energy vortex and that night I experienced an astral projection that demonstrated to me the mind split.
Now if you haven’t experienced an astral projection let me break it down a little you’ll wake up inside your etheric body which is when you become aware inside your sleeping body and you can often see in all directions then you will begin to feel symptoms such as extremely heavy vibrations while your real time body is being created, it’s hard not to “fall back asleep” during this but if you do stay awake through the sensations you will wind up inside a duplicate of your body where you can physically explore whatever and where ever you want with a mere thought.
After learning about the mechanics of some of these experiences I had been having in my dream state, I started having an influx of lucid dreams but I couldn’t “stay awake” or control my dreams for very long, but one night I had a dream where I was in my grandpas boat, I had to really think about how to operate it which forced me into a lucid state of mind I took the boat to a pier with my family upon it, I beckoned my grandfather to get in, leaving the rest behind and I drove to a convention center where there was a representation of enlightened and oppressed people I explained the scenario to my grandfather and left him to find a file cabinet, once I came to the cabinet I lost control of the dream and was searching through thousands of files unaware of what I was looking for until suddenly I am a shooting star plummeting through space then transitioned to me hovering above my body. I floated down, reintegrated with it, and upon awakening I realized I had asked where I had come from and found the answer in the akashic records(which was represented as the file cabinet)
This gave me a realization that I could ask questions and receive answers in my dreams
And while I was sick for so long with no luck of recovering I began to lose hope and couldn’t shake the voice that kept telling me that I was going to die. When I die I plan to go gracefully but I was so terrified all I wanted was to understand death and experience it. Now, I have died a thousand times as other people and also myself but I was looking for something different, I wanted to feel death like I never had before, I wanted to experience it in my waking life without actually dying although I didn’t realize that at the time. So I began to question what death was, what it felt like and where I would go afterwards, I remember asking within my dreams and I would hold the questions in my mind as I fell asleep at night, I didn’t get an answer right away but my subconscious kept pushing, one day a friend of mine gifted me and my husband a hotel for the night which changed my location and typical before bed ritual making me receptive to new energies, and that night I was violently awoken, I couldn’t breathe and as I gasped for air I was so disoriented I lost consciousness. I felt myself falling through the layers of sleep 1,2,3 and as I fell into REM someone said to me “this is death”
DMT is being produced in your brain constantly but larger amounts of it are released when you are born when you dream and when you die, and of course when you sit with medicines such as ayahuasca.
Scientists discovered we are actually lagging 7seconds behind everything we see, hear and process actually happened 7 seconds ago, which gave birth to an interesting theory about deja vu, but that’s for another time.
When you die DMT floods your brain while it remains active for that last 7 seconds and if you have experienced the timelessness of DMT you could speculate that 7 seconds might be long enough to live another lifetime.
My gift to share is knowledge, perhaps you want to use your dreams to manifest your reality or learn the truth about a situation or a person in your life, there really are endless possibilities to what you can accomplish when you harness the power of your unconscious mind.

Thank you for a very enlightening write-up. How are your migraines now, have they improved? I love to hear about other people’s experience with the astral world where symbols hold such power. It inspires me to pay more attention to my dreams but also to the beauty of Nature all around us. We live on a fragile planet which deserves our respect. Followed and resteemed!
I have been seeing a homeopathic dr who has helped me heal, I have gotten rid of most of the bacteria and headaches are occasional which is a dramatic improvement! Thank you for reading! I will be sharing more on the topic in the future!
I sure hope so!
I must admit I harbor my father's resistance to the more spiritual and/or astral frame of mind. Although through my own experiences I find myself contradicting that thinking. My wife and I occasionally talk about our dreams and their significance; convincing ourselves of the possibilities of getting in tune with that part of ourselves.
Initially i was attracted to this post by the mention of DMT. I've become so curious of the stuff over time and knowing it plays such a role in death struck a cord with my belief that science can help explain spirituality more and more as it advances.
This article really got me going on that train of thought after not really thinking about it for a while, kudos.
A really inspiring article. You can easily tell that your work on it is quality.
Thank you for writing this. the role of DMT is for sure interesting. 100% UV
I am glad you found interest in a topic I am passionate about sharing!
You are...a dream to read. Thank you for the post, since you studied psychology I wonder if you ever came across Jung's analysis of dreams (Man and his Symbols)...I find that my own spiritual intuition of the dream world along with his theorizing has given me a better understanding of my own subconscious (and therefore what influences my waking Self).
I do own this book! A Very interesting read!
This is brilliant. My own experience with dreams and memories resonates with this, yet you have made it clear where it was confused before. Thank you!
That’s amazing! I am so happy I could shed light for you!
Hmmm... this is interesting... I think I need more info on this. :D
I think I wanna go there too and ask away. Now where to find an energy vortex here... Omg I only hope I get back safely if I find one. Haha. I think I will be traveling more soon now that I know about vortices. :D