Killer Careers for Men

in #health7 years ago (edited)


In The US 93% of workers killed on the job were men

Men, here are the worst and best jobs to consider for a longer healthier life.

The latest figures available In America is 2012 when 93% of 4383 workers killed on the job were MEN. In 2007, the number was 5488 killed. 49,000 died from work related injuries and 4 million were injured or got ill.

I have a mate who is a chef. At 55 he can barely move his shoulders. All those years of shaking pans. I know plumbers who can hardly walk from the years spent on their knees or have developed debilitating lung diseases from inhaling droplets of dirty water. Tennis players with tennis elbow. Fire-fighters fighting disease from toxic chemicals. Deaf Airline pilots from long exposure to engine noise. Hairdressers unable to move their hands properly due to repetitive strain injuries. Construction workers with bad backs risking lung cancer and asbestosis or silicosis. When it comes to desk jobs. If you sit at your desk all day and don’t get proper exercise you run the risk of getting cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Got a stressful job. Stress can cause people to eat, drink and smoke more. Stress releases cortisol which can lead to inflammation which damages blood vessels and brain cells, can lead to insulin resistance causing diabetes or joint diseases. Under extreme stress, the immune system comes under attack leading to slower healing and disease. Stress can lead to heart disease and white blood cells are affected leading to hardening of the arteries. Stress can cause depression and loss of libido, can cause stomach problems like ulcers. it a major cause of neck, back and shoulder pain

Taxi drivers have one of the most stressful jobs. Negotiating traffic, getting there on time. The mental stress of being responsible for passengers. This is the same for Uber and Lyft drivers. In the US there are 3300 road deaths per day.

Fire fighters, the military and police officers, as well as opening themselves to obvious dangers are also among the most stressful jobs.

Desk jobs that cause stress include those working to deadlines like event co-ordinators, PR executives and newspaper reporters, not to mention salesmen trying to reach impossible targets

In 2017, the list of the most stressful jobs in the US are–

Military personnel – enlisted. Especially bomb clearance.
Fire fighter
Airline pilot
Police officer
Event co-ordinator
Newspaper reporter
Senior corporate executive on $100k +
Public relations executive
Taxi driver

Forget stress, the most dangerous jobs for death or serious injury in the USA are:-
Construction – Roofers – 57 dead or per 100,000 workers – Mining 37 per 100,000
Transport and warehousing - 152 dead per 100,000 including drivers, sales reps, truck drivers – aircraft pilots end engineers
Agriculture, forestry, farmers and ranchers – 42.5 deaths per 100,000 workers – logging - 98.5 per 100,000.
Police and patrol officers 18 deaths per 100,000

Working at sea is the most dangerous job in the UK. You are 50 times more likely to die at sea compared to an average job.

Looking at professional and business services including security guards. These rank high on the list of dangerous to my health careers.

Also high on the list are:-
Manufacturing – death or injury my machine
Retail – slips , falls
Cleaners – have one of the biggest retorts of injury through slips and falls
Leisure and hospitality again, slips and falls
Other eg admn – not sure how but according to the US figures you are more likely to get seriously injured a than a miner
Wholesale trade – falling or getting crushed
Mining including oil and gas riggers is a no brainer
Education and health services – Not so many deaths but a high number of serious injuries.

The Safest Jobs

The safest jobs in America pay better according to On average the pay for the safest jobs is $69,500 versus $45,250 but a lot of the safest jobs need a university degree.

The safest jobs include

Software engineers and web developers and related IT jobs
Teachers and university professors
Dental assistant
Fitness instructor

Choose your career wisely boys and live a long life.

References, - 4 months in research including but not exclusively Time magazine, Forbes, numerous law web sites like UK, Australian and US government web sites like the US bureau of statistics, various career websites including,, and of course ManGOD's own research actually talking to people.

ManGOD (Man Growing Old Disgracefully) signing off. [email protected]



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