The side effect of eye make up

in #health6 years ago


Eyes are definitely one of the most defining feature of a woman and a proper make up of this feature will not only make you look gorgeous but surely turn heads. Eye makeup is an important part of the fashion and cosmetic industries. When a woman improves her appearance, people begin to pay attention to her, listen to her, seek her company etc. As a lady, I sure do love glamming up my eyes.

There are three main types of eye make up and they are:

  • Mascara:. Mascara is used to darken, colour, thicken, lengthen or define the eyelashes.
  • Eye Shadow: Eye shadow is applied on the eyelids and some also apply it under their eyebrows.
  • Eye Liner: this is used to define the eyes. It is applied around the contours of the eye, along and above the edges of the eyelids where the eye lashes grow. It is also often applied just on the outer eyes.

While eye makeup can enhance the appearance of the eyes, it can cause many issues for them. Using eye makeup especially the kind with irritating ingredients can create some rather serious problems in the short and long term if protective measures are not taken. Always remember that the eyes is such an important part of our lives. Do not wait until there is a problem before you can appreciate them.



  1. Bacterial Conjunctivitis: this happens when bacteria gets into the eyes. Bacteria can enter the eyes and cause bacterial Conjunctivitis when you use old make up or share make up with others. Make up should be changed every three of four months at most. Using saliva to assist when wearing make up is a no no as it makes your eyes prone to bacteria infections. Always wash your hands before applying make up.

  2. Toxic heavy metals: some of these eye make up products contain certain very heavy metals that can damage the eye. The heavy metals include arsenic, berrylium, lead, cadmium, nickel, selenium and thallium. Cosmetics containing KOHL sometimes contain Lead. Avoid cosmetics with talc,BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), urea, sulphates and pthalates. Some of these ingredients act as preservatives, stabilizers or anti-caking agents but they can also irritate the skin and are associated with cancer.

  3. Dry eyes: Too much eye make up can sometimes lead to dry eye. Sometimes we should learn to do without makeup and let the eyes breathe. Taking lots of water or staying hydrated also helps solve the issue of dry aggravated eyes.

  4. Allergic Reactions: consistent use of a certain brand of makeup on the eye can make the eye to build up an allergy. Always change brand after a while and also learn to introduce vitamin C into your diet as it helps reduce inflammation.

  5. Loss of Eyelashes: isn't it funny that eye makeup meant to lengthen our eyelashes can also shorten it or even lead to a total loss of it? Using expired mascara or inferior product can cause loss of Eyelashes. The best way to grow the lashes is by simply maintaining a balanced diet.



  1. Wash your brushes very often. Make up brushes gather bacteria and dirt over time. This simply means continuous use of the brush without washing spreads bacteria and dirt into your lashes, eyelids margin and tear film and possibly the cornea.

  2. Do not share make-up. It is common to see ladies sharing makeup brushes and even eye shadow and eyeliners. These things are vectors of cross infection. Consider your make up kit as your toothbrush. You do not share toothbrush do you?

  3. Do not apply eye makeup while on motion. Whether you are driving or just a passenger in the vehicle, applying make up while on motion can be harmful. If it is a not a smooth journey, you could scratch your cornea which can lead to cornea abrasion.

  4. Beware of false eyelashes: putting on false eyelashes can be potentially dangerous. The adhesives used nearby the eyes can cause problems if glue enters the tear film or ocular surface. This can cause permanent damage to the eye or a damage that may require surgery to correct.

  5. Do not sleep with eye makeup at night. No matter how tired you aren't, leaving makeup on after a night out only compounds the problems. Always wash off mascara or eyeliner to reduce chances of bacterial and oil build up with eyelid inflammation. Rinse eyes thoroughly with clean tap water or eye wash solution until you flush out all mascara, eyeliner or make up flakes.

  6. Do not use your cosmetics when you have or are recovering from an eye infection. Replace all your previous eye make up products once you have an infection.

  7. Do not apply eyeliners along the inside of the eyelids. It blocks oil glands that secret oils that protect the cornea. Always apply eyeliners to the outside of the lash line.

The eye is a very important organ in the body. It not only beautifies the face but aids seeing. Nothing bad about looking good but care should be taken not to do it to our detriment.

This post was written by @zizymena, Edited and posted by @camzy

Article Reference
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Taking care of the eyes is very important, I agree. I use eye makeup every single day, unless, I'm sick! Can't do without it. Great information for those of us who use it!

Wow, i learnt enough...
Thank you!

All my life, I have been explaining to my girlfriends that eye care is critical. Even the same eyelashes should perform the role of protection of the eyes; you should not try to increase or strongly dye them; they lose their natural ability to protect. If you want to look beautiful, it is enough to do an eyelash lift at home. I can even advise you . I took components from them and did the procedure at home. It is elementary and, most importantly, safe. You just give your eyelashes the shape you want, without any makeup.

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