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RE: I am STRUGGLING Lately. A LOT. I Feel Like I'm Underwater

in #health6 years ago

hugs to you!!! I find laughter yoga helpful. It clears the mind and gets a completely different mindset going.

here is a schedule for on the phone sessions

As for writing - just keep going. don't stop, don't edit. You can throw it away later. keep going until you are through it. And that will happen!! And people want to pay for what you write...


You might be surprised. I write EVERYTHING like a freewrite. I don't edit, I don't plan anything. Hell, I don't even know what's going to happen next... even during the 50,000 words! I think the problem might be that I started to think I knew what was going to happen next! :/ So yeah, I've been writing, but then deleting what I wrote every day, so I think it's time to take a step back for a few days.

I did take the evening/night off after writing this post, though. I had a long bath and just read a bit of a romance novel... and then I slept for about 14 hours. I stayed off of the internet/computer and just read and went to sleep. Socializing tends to stress me out sometimes as well, even online or even being around family. My husband offered to take our daughter to a movie last night and then I just had alone time until I went to bed. I'm hoping that this will maybe refresh my brain a bit! If nothing else, I'm going to just read this novel until it's finished and enjoy it or get inspired midway through and finally start writing :)

Totally get what you are saying. And I am with you on the writing front. If I have plotted out a story - somehow, my writing gets really stilted.

And the alone time..... When I get stressed out, I used to hide in the bedroom and just read. Day, night, for a couple of days. Disappear into the world of a new author I might have discovered..... And come back refreshed to tackle my own life - and, I probably should be writing this from my personal account lol (mw)

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