How to Lose Weight Without Gym

in #health3 years ago (edited)

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There are a plethora of ways to Lose weight. And the rapidly growing weight loss industry doesn’t stop presenting us with new things now and then. But still many struggle with shedding those extra pounds. According to the center for disease control and prevention (2021- 2022), 42.5% of adults aged 20 and over are obese, whereas, 73.6% of them are both obese and overweight.

Many fad diets have come and gone. We are presented with fast foods as well as fast weight loss schemes. We live in a period where it’s hard to get away from processed foods, large portions, and stress.

However, if you experience a sudden change in your body, get your medical tests for thyroid, PCOS to check for hormonal weight gain. Moreover, depression can also lead to weight gain. It’s a better choice to go with a doctor’s advice in these cases. Nevertheless, here are some tips that can be used by everyone. So, let me walk you through some scientifically proven and effective ways to lose weight without hitting the gym.

Things To Do To Lose Weight Without Going To The Gym :

  1. Drink water before a meal
  2. Chew your food slowly
  3. Cut on sugars and simple carbohydrates
  4. Eat small meals 6 times a day
  5. Move around more
  6. Go to bed early
  7. Viscous fiber-rich foods for a flat belly
  8. Thermogenic foods for fat loss
  9. Glucomannan natural supplements
  10. Add more protein to your diet
  11. Intermittent fasting
  12. Balance your gut bacteria
  13. Coconut oil for belly fat
  14. Mindful eating
  15. Being in a calorie deficit
  16. Stress can add weight

1. Drink Water Before A Meal

Hydration is the key to weight loss. By drinking more water you tend to lose weight through two scientifically proven mechanisms. Firstly, it decreases feeding and secondly increases lipolysis. Lipolysis is nothing but breaking down fats and lipids with the help of water into fatty acids. Both in turn increase metabolism aiding in weight loss. And if consumed before a meal you might lower the amount of food consumption as well.

2. Chew Your Food Slowly

By eating slowly one tends to eat less. Whereas, eating quickly is linked to overeating. Studies also show that eating slowly can increase the fullness of hormones. These gut hormones not only reduce calorie intake but also reduce your appetite. Quick eaters tend to gain more weight and have a higher body mass index.

3. Cut On Sugars And Simple Carbohydrates

Avoiding sugar is an easy way to cut a lot of calories. So swap those flavored coffees with black coffee. By adding sugar the calories skyrocket which would otherwise be zero to five calorie drinks. Consume complex carbohydrates
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[5] instead of simple ones. Some good sources of complex carbohydrates are whole grains like quinoa, barley. Fruits like apples, berries, and vegetables like carrots, leafy greens, broccoli are good choices. Lastly, legumes and beans. complex carbohydrates are rich in minerals, fiber, and vitamins.

4. Eat Small Meals 6 Times A Day

Mini meals can help to satisfy the appetite, boosting metabolism, stabilizing blood sugar levels along providing nutrients throughout the day. Studies prove that eating more than six meals a day can reduce the risk of obesity. You can have eggs, wholegrain cereals, low-fat milk, Greek yogurt, apples, berries, avocado and peaches, green salads, legumes, peas, chicken breast, salmon.

5. Viscous Fiber-Rich Foods For A Flat Belly

Fibers are a form of carbohydrates that cannot be digested by our body. Fibers that are highly viscous increase fullness and reduce appetite in turn promoting weight loss. Viscous fiber is found in foods such as legumes, oats, Brussel sprouts, beans, asparagus, and flax seeds. There is evidence that the weight loss effects of fiber, particularly target belly fat

6. Thermogenic Foods For Fat Loss

Foods that are thermogenic boost metabolism and burn calories by the process of thermogenesis. In this process, the body burns calories into heat from the food that you just consumed. thermogenic foods increase the expenditure of energy by 4-5% and fat oxidation by 10-16 %. Consuming caffeine, capsaicin, green tea, oolong tea is known to be thermogenic. An increase in thermogenesis of 300- 400 KJ daily can eventually lead to significant weight loss.

7. Glucomannan Natural Supplements

Glucomannan is a plant-based dietary fiber from the roots of the konjac plant also known as elephant yam. This fiber has low calories and occupies space in our stomach. Glucomannan is one of the best high viscous dietary fibers that’s proven to work. And has a remarkable ability to absorb water is thought to make it an effective remedy for weight loss. One capsule of this dietary fiber can turn one entire glass of water into gel.

8. Intermittent Fasting

It is a cycle of eating and fasting. There are many types of intermittent fasting. 16/8 method implies 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating period. Whereas, 5: 2 diet involves eating 500 -600 calories two days a week. Eat stop Eat involves fasting one or two times for 24 hours per week. Alternate day fasting is fasting every alternate day. Overall, all these methods you tend to eat fewer calories in turn leading to weight loss.

9. Coconut Oil For Belly Fat

Coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides and is a healthy fat. coconut oil promotes fullness and decreases appetite. Additionally, MCTs are metabolized differently compared to other fats. They are known to boost metabolism. It’s particularly beneficial in lowering harmful belly fat and obesity. The best way to use it is by replacing unhealthy fats with coconut oil.

10. Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is often overlooked. A practice of focusing on how, where and what you eat. It will make food enjoyable and maintain a normal weight. Eating by sitting in one place completely devoid of any distractions. Choosing nourishing foods. And chewing slowly and savoring the food. By doing so, our brain has adequate time to perceive signals when you are full. This way overeating and cravings are prevented.

Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Lose Weight

Your lifestyle has a great impact on your body. Without a disciplined lifestyle, you will most probably continue to put on weight. By making simple yet important changes to your day-to-day activities, you could seamlessly manage your weight. Here are a few tips that will help you reduce your weight and be in a healthy state:

a. Move Around More

If you are someone, who works behind a desk. You probably won’t move around a lot. But here is what you can do. Drink more water. More water means more pee breaks. Walk and talk on the phone. Take stairs more often. Stand during your commute. Park your car far away from the destination. Walking not only aids in weight loss but also improves overall health.

b. Go To Bed Early

Many studies have reported that sleeping less than 5-6 hoursper night is linked with obesity. Poor quality or Insufficient sleep slows down the metabolism. Moreover, the amount of sleep also regulates the hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin. Besides, it increases the stress hormone- cortisol and makes your body hold on to fat. Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

c. Stress Can Add Weight

Stress can increase the stress hormone – cortisol levels. Cortisol is known to slow metabolism and is also a potent appetite stimulant. Many people tend to respond to this by eating comfort food. Increased cortisol leads to high insulin levels which cause blood sugar to drop. Also cravings for sugar and fat kick in. Gradually, developing a habit of overeating. To combat stress-related weight gain, it’s always better to visit a doctor.

Final Words

People are eating more calories than they did before. The obesity epidemic is rapidly growing as well. You don’t have to hate your body. Accept your body and see what works best for you. Although, body positivity is a great movement. Let’s not lose sight for the bigger picture. Health is wealth. Small changes in your lifestyle can go a long way. But consistency is what makes all the difference.

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