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RE: Quit Smoking Cigarettes and Start Vaping! I'll Help

in #health7 years ago

I am a smoker and I really want to quit and I have tried vaping and I don't know if it's just me, but I feel that I am just replacing one of my bad habits with a new one that might not be as bad for me but is still a sort of hindrance to my life in way that I am always wondering where are my cigarettes are, or in this case where is my vape is.... But I do see its benefits!!!


lol. i get what you mean. that's why i'm not really encouraging vaping for non-smokers. addiction is still addiction. vaping is just cleaner, and in this case, it makes a big difference. also, you can taper down the nicotine in MUCH MUCH finer gradients, so that you literally would not notice. so stick with the vaping...smoking just isn't worth the risks anymore now that vapes preform so well so consistently.

Yeah, I think if I had to stop it would have to be to kick the addiction not to replace it. Vaping is obviously better there is no disputing that I just think that I would be adding another burden!

I'm sorry, friend, but I just don't get your logic. Let's just say that vaping is equally as destructive to your body as smoking. Is it not, then, worth it to you to save 2/3's or more than it presently costs you to slowly kill yourself? Man, you must be wealthy.

Some smokers just don't have that click in their head. That's why i don't encourage anyone to start vaping

Maybe zombie wasteland smokers.... My personal experience with vaping is more than enough to try to convince anyone who has a nicotine addiction. I've always been told that I have an "addictive" personality, but the one thing that I've ever been addicted to is nicotine.

I really appreciate your comment, but for me, I have to at least try to convince my fellow brethren to come over to the other side. It truly is a difference maker. Both in mind and in body.

You are missing my point it's not worth replacing one habit with another unless it is actually beneficial in this case, neither is beneficial.Yes, one is less so but that doesn't change that you are still relying on something that you don't need.

i get your point, but it's flawed in my opinion. you said:

"'s not worth replacing one habit with another unless it is actually beneficial in this case, neither is beneficial."

yet in your previous reply you say:

"Vaping is obviously better there is no disputing that"

and for most people, exchanging one thing for something else that is better, is considered beneficial.

like, everyday, i'm going to punch you in the balls. would you prefer i punch you in the arm everyday instead? and obviously, it doesn't matter if you're not getting punched at all. but if you are getting punched everyday (e.g. you are still smoking) then it matters.

Mmmmmmmk... I guess, look at it like this. You have a driving habit. You presently have a gas guzzler that is also contributing to "global warming". You now see that you can get a new ride for a fraction of the price that your old ride is costing you. And, it does not contribute to global warming. What do you do?

And, if you are so adamant that you don't "need" it, why do you still do it?

i notice alot of my buddies who quit smoking and go to vaping wind up vaping way more than they ever smoked. you can't have a convo with them for 5 minutes without them blowing like a dozen huge wafting clouds of vape. couple of my buddies are always trying different flavors and buying new batteries and new vapes so while it probably could wind up being more affordable than vaping not with my friends lol.

i kinda agree with you, if im gonna quit smokeing im gonna go to nothing probably not to vaping, like you said replacing one bad habit with another and while i do agree its probably safer than smoking who knows 10 or 20 years down the road the affects of smoking glycerine or whatevers in vape liquid

yea man, i can also say random things that probably aren't true, without any proof, and pretend it's real.

i mean, the only reason i'm vaping is because if i keep vaping for 30 years or so, my dick my get 3 inches longer. i really have no idea, there are no studies to back it up, and i'm probably wrong, but who knows right?

I guess my point was in a perfect world if you could vape or not vape and not smoke probably doing neither is the healthiest choice. if more guys find out vaping grows your dick 3 additional inches i think we may see the popularity increase and we'll have 4 vape shops on every corner as opposed to the current 3 lol.

i like vaping hash oil but nicotine not so much

haha yea i got you man, just giving you shit because i mentioned that in my post. that's why i'm only addressing smokers. and i'm trying to get people to quit, so you know...

and i haven't tried vaping any herb or herb-products yet, but i'll post on it as soon as i get around to it ;)

They make some good ones that are cartridges so no mess and really sleek and discreet, they are the 510 thread so fit pretty much any gas station or vape shop battery pen. Or you could pickup the snoop dogg micro g pen and just throw some wax in there. those things are pretty sweet as well but pack a bit more punch

heh, everyone loves the wax nowadays. i'm basically an old man so i'm pretty sure the wax would kill me. but i'll look into a tank--i don't blaze enough to justify more hardware than that.

Glycerin is everywhere man, wherever you turn u get some :)

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