How do yoi stay fit as you getting older ?

in #health7 years ago

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There is one simple thing to do to lose weight after 50. Stop the insulin production that kills us after age 50 (and makes us diabetic). Insulin, proceed foods and sweets activate killer genes that make us fat and diabetic (genes try to kill us off since nature senses we are hurting the community by eating wrong and too much of the food resource…when we are obese nature assumes we are either sick or denying food to others in the forest…so it tries to get rid of us.) Processed carbs and sweets go into the bloodstream immediately…and then insulin makes them immediately into fat.

This is why industrialized societies are immediately diabetic. (India (2 billion people) suffered an epidemic of diabetes the moment they adopted industrialized foods. Thats over night baby!

First rule…don't eat anything in box, can or container…its processed.

Seriously. It is so simple. No complicated diets. But you have to go radical. Totally stop carbs. YOU CAN DO IT. All you have to do is to stop carbs…full stop carbs….get them out of your mind…out of the house…no sweet drinks…..and you can eat what you want after that..and lose 20 pounds..with light exercise. Jus teat protein, peanuts and greens. Thats it. I did. I still crave all the coakes and chips etc, but …I like not having insulin surging through my body.

Insulin turns all carbs into fat. Insulin keeps the fat there..even if you exercise like a mad person after 50. Does no good. Its inulin that is the problem. Thats it! We were not designed to eat carbs except at the end of the fruit tree season…that was the only time Homo s. ate sweets…..thats when insulin kicked in and we stored fats for the winter…only once a year!

But NOW (in industrial modernism) insulin is turned on 24/7 with our artificial processed sweet diets. It will KILL YOU….DEAD. But first you will have to be fat for 30 years and miserable…and obese.

TIP: Dont get too hung up on exercise. A recent Scientific American article found that men in Africa walking all day needed about 2700 cals each day. Then they did a study on sedentary office workers in the USA. Surprise! They also need about 2600 cals a day. So - scientifically - exercise does not change how much your complicated body needs to keep everything running…its about the same!!!!! So stop obsessing about exercise…just do something every day…even if its walking. (you will give up on exercise plans anyway…and there goes your diet etc.). So do not make exercise an obstacle. In fact, scip it. But….

STOP CARBS. If you are hungry for carbs its a sign you are on the right path. I let that be a good sign that I will live longer…so I almost look forward to the carb urge….then eat Cottage cheese and kale…and live again (and hop up those stairs and go swimming in the club.)

Try it before you say it does not work. After all, do you really need all those carbs? Nope….Its all in your mind. Think of survival. Carbs kill, maim, and deform. I live in Italy…few carbs here in the diet (its a myth that Italians eat lots of pasta all the time….Americans are the ones that eat pasta…not Italians.)

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