
Didn't Bill Gates' father found Planned Parenthood? I believe he did and Billy is continuing the Gates' legacy of eugenics. He and his wife Melinda should be tried for crimes against humanity and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should be forced to transform itself into a vaccine injury compensatory mechanism coming to the aid of the untold hundreds of thousands of children and families harmed by their "philanthropic," pernicious vaccine protocols in mainly developing countries.


Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood. But Bill Gates Sr. did serve on the board, apparently. I agree with you re the harm done by Jr.'s foundation.

Agreed. The Gates are easily on par with any murderous eugenicist you'd care to name.

I do not understand, he actually says vaccines will help reducing the population so the multiplication of the production of CO2 nears zero.
How is that vaccines help reduce population exactly ?

I think you do know we all know - why you think instead of helping people in Africa by getting them clean water they vaccinate them for rotaviruses - that is nuts

But if its so obvious how is that is not commented everywhere, as blatant as such information is. Sometimes reality really confuses me.

By killing people, I expect.

That is crazy, did he just F*** up and say the opposite of what he meant to say? but at the same time means what he said?

Quite possible, you maybe right. However why would be put it in vaccines reference? I thought they were suppose to increase life. For population control, he should have had advocated withdrawing vaccines instead. With a "senior moment" his verbiage would be significantly different.

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