The Benefits of Raisins
From a vast list of dried fruits, raisins are the most common and favorite treat. Sympathy and passion for this product has found its expression and human relations. Everyone wants to have a "zest" inside him, as a symbol of something special, original and tasty and attractive. Possessing a mass of useful properties, raisins are widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. The use of raisins for health is very significant and invaluable.
What is fraught with raisins?
Each zest, in spite of its small size, is a source of valuable, necessary and extremely useful substances for the body.
In the composition of raisins there are: 79.5-87.5% of sugar (sugar content - fructose and glucose in dry berries is 8 times higher than in fresh berries), 2.1-2.9% nitrogenous substances, 0.7-2, 3% of acids (it contains organic acids: tartaric and oleanolic), 1.3% is cellulose, 2-2.9% ash, 16-22% moisture. Vitamin series is very wide, vitamin A, B1, B2, B5 and B6, C are included in the composition of raisins. Also, the costume contains: iron, boron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus.
Useful properties of raisins are explained by the use of fresh grapes, but the content of valuable substances in it is 10 times more than in fresh berries. Thanks to the large content of B vitamins, raisins are valued for their ability to strengthen the nervous system, improve sleep. It can be used as a sedative, relieving tension and fatigue.
How does raisins work on the body?
Almost all systems and organs of the human body are prone to the healing effects of raisins. This dried fruit is used as a remedy against anemia, from a fever, at infringements of digestion, at illnesses of heart and kidneys. Also raisins will be useful to people with hair loss.
Raisins are useful in pregnancy for women who have low hemoglobin and iron deficiency. The lack of iron and a small amount of hemoglobin in the blood have a bad effect on nutrition and development of the fetus. Raisins and dried apricots are an excellent combination that significantly increases the iron content in the body during pregnancy. The need for calcium during pregnancy doubles, and raisins are also an excellent source of this mineral substance. Mothers who breastfeed their babies can enhance the milk intake and improve lactation by including in their menu dishes containing raisins.
The cardiovascular system responds very favorably to the use of raisins, the high content of potassium and magnesium strengthens the myocardium, improves the conductivity of impulses and improves the contractile work of the heart. Raisins significantly reduces swelling and lowers blood pressure.
Raisins are used for respiratory diseases as an antitussive, as well as for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis.
If the raisins are covered in chocolate then are they socially acceptable??
I like raisins with cereal but raisins have SO MUCH SUGAR. The only time for them in my opinion is immediately after a workout.
Other benefits of the raisins: it is very useful for my memory and oblivion. Spend a good day dear @enigma84