"If Symptoms Persists After 2 Days...
... Go See Your Doctor", is a usual concluding statement to most adverts I come across in my area.
It is mainly used for medicine related adverts for minor body changes.
For me though, cumulatively I've experienced this dysentery-like condition for about 3days. Some persons are suggesting that I wait until after a week before taking any serious medication for issue.
I'm kind of confused but can't wait for this to stop. I made a mistake of eating pawpaw which could have rekindled the burning fire 🔥 of the running stomach.
Another issue is that I've not dewormed for a while now and don't know if it's part of the problem. I doubt if I can hold it until the week ends if the symptoms Persists.
Have you experienced such before? Did you use any natural means to get it settled without Orthodox medications? Please share your thoughts.