RE: How to improve your health by using alcohol, in 7 easy steps
I am using it more for the surface tension and polarity. The skin is covered in a lot of fat, and ethanol penetrates it better than water. When I use lugol's it does not 'soak in' properly.
By the way, this post was half joke. By the title it should be obvious. Of course yeasts are resistant to alcohol, they make it. But they are not resistant to iodine. It was more a case of, "I am never going to drink again, and to prove it, I'm going to use this vodka to make something useful that I can't poison myself with."
By the way, have you ever thought about how surgeons put iodine on you, not sodium hypochlorite or other chloro bleach? Yet they sterilise the water with chlorine? So it's not safe to put chlorine on the outside of your body, but it's fine to put it in your digestive system????
Yes I thought you were probably being witty.
As far as I know the iodine is fairly poisonous also. To me they don't smell much different either. Both are sanitizers. Both for similar chemistry and both can kill. What is surprising to me is that some substances are outlawed not because they are more poisonous but because they are more addictive.
The iodine is not toxic internally, unless there is chlorine, bromine and fluorine present inside the body. Halides are highly competitive with each other, and what happens is the iodine bumps into the chlorine (not chloride, mind you, Hydriodic acid, the soluble form of iodine, does not do this, also note that I use Lugol's iodine because it is both aqueous Hydrogen Iodide form, as well as the I2 elemental form).
One of the most critical organs in the human body depends on the correct levels of iodine, the Thyroid gland. The mammary glands are the number two biggest user. After that, there is the Prostate gland, the Testicles, and then, Iodine also has a role in the critical process of Apoptosis (cellular suicide) and Autophagy (reabsorption of reusable nutrients from dead cells), that is a normal biological process.
Note that every single gland and process I just mentioned is irvolved in modern health epidemics. Cancer and endocrine/reproductive/immune failure.
This is not a coincidence.
Sure, the uneducated person can very easily kill themselves with these substances. But that even includes doctors, who are mystified as to how iodine (not radioactive I131, but I127), and thus refuse to attempt to treat the deficiency. At least 30% of the population is suffering from deficiency, and that, surprisingly is about how many people die of the diseases involving the organs and processes I listed above.
I also found this in relation to bromine:
Bromine is essential, but not in the form of brominated cyclic hydrocarbons, used as fire retardants and off-gasing, that causes the well known browning of old, white plastics. Bromide is the nutrient we use. Not Br2, not bromate, etc etc etc. However, an excess of even Bromide will cause serious problems, as it can enter the nervous system through the BBB, in greater amounts than it should, and then change the potential of ion channels that normally would hold chloride. This is what the article above refers to.
By the way, unrefined natural sea salt has signififcant amounts of bromide in it. There is some iodine too, but it is very volatile and tends to quickly be lost, and doubly so in the presence of sunlight. Jack Kruse's hypothesis that humans first evolved out of the first bipedal proto-homonids by feeding from the sea, also implies that iodine, found in quite high concentrations in sea vegetables and fish, must surely therefore have affected how much of it our body uses.
I think I mentioned that the reason for the elemental iodine in lugols being critical to its effectiveness, suggests that also, our body has mechanisms for changing it, but also, with the excess of unnatural forms of bromine, bromate, and the neurotoxic fluoride (and fluorine gas is very uncommon because it rapidly reacts with water in the air, so fluoride will be the main form we encounter), specifically the elemental iodine, and the elemental and organo-bromides (the -ide alone indicates hydrogen bromide, as in the acid, otherwise indicates a naked iodine atom attached to something, and left out because in water, the hydrogen is part of the polar solubility mechanism), the lugol's elemental iodine is able to attack, reduce, and displace the toxic bromine and organobromines that are in fatty tissue. Of which one is, of course, by mass, the largest, the mammary gland.
Doctor David Brownstein, in a video talk I watched, showed photos of a woman with breast cancer, who was treated with lugol's iodine, sadly, too late, and her bras were staining brown with bromine, and the stains were analised and thtey were indeed bromine.
However, I believe that cold and dark also have an influence here, as they do with metabolism of fats instead of carbohydrates. Consider that most likely, humans cloistered in caves and winter shelters probably had more sex at this time, than in summer, when it is hot and uncomfortable. Thus, a preponderance of children would be born mid summer, and the breast tissue is the second highest user of iodine. Correlation is not causation but the links between light and EMF and temperature, as natural triggers for changes in metabolism, are not functioning properly anymore because we have air conditioners, heaters, artificial lighht, and fill our environments with radio waves.