Everything you wanted to know about female Viagra

in #health6 years ago

Female Viagra is a relatively new medicine. In this article we will make a brief female Viagra review.

The female organism is amazing and unpredictable. The combination of mood, health condition and attention from the opposite sex sometimes creates an incredible effect.

There are cases when charming representatives of the fair sex have problems with achieving sexual arousal. There are many reasons for this. A big role in the fact that a woman loses sexual desire is played by stress, constant fatigue, problems at work and problems with children. Each couple in addition to the most common reasons can also have their own, individual problems. As a result, the spouses lose the former sexual attraction. It seems as something unreal and long gone. But, if you are in a similar situation, do not despair and give up. The pharmaceutical production offers an excellent solution for those wishing to improve the situation — female sex stimulants.

Of course, an important role in intimate relations is played by a woman's attitude towards her lover and her confidence. That is, if the woman does not feel attracted to him, then Viagra for women can’t help here. But, if the problems are not in the psychological aspects, but in the physiological ones, then female Viagra will undoubtedly come to the rescue.

This medicine increases female libido, and also improves blood circulation in the genitals. As a consequence, sensitivity is significantly increased. And when a man begins preliminary caresses before sex, the woman, after taking the pill, feels a strong sexual desire, because any, even a weak touch, is felt very vividly. Also, this pill is a great helper for those women who experienced discomfort during sex due to dryness in the vagina. The medicine female Viagra contributes to the production of a sufficient amount of lubricant.

Thanks to this, sex for a woman is very enjoyable and painless. As a consequence, when a couple makes love, they feel passion, a woman really experiences a very strong desire and this is felt by her partner. Thanks to this, the couple gets a great pleasure and a bright and lasting "finale".

How does female Viagra work?

The natural microelement Sildenafil, which is the basis of the medicine, acts somewhat differently than it does for men. The inflow of blood to the pelvic organs increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones of the female body, in turn, strengthening the libido. The similarity with the male counterpart is that this product does not act by itself, contributing to the occurrence of a natural sex drive. Thus, many women who have difficulties due to menopause, internal surgery, frigidity, postpartum recovery, hormonal failures have a chance to again have full-fledged intimate relationships.

Thus, the main reasons why you can resort to using this medicine are:

  • Inability to feel arousal
  • Insufficient lubrication of the vagina
  • Need for a qualitative improvement of the sex life
  • Decreased sensitivity due to surgical interventions in the reproductive system

But it is necessary to remember about female Viagra contradictions. In no case should you take the medicine during pregnancy or if you plan to conceive a child. Presence of heart and kidney diseases, problems with the blood pressure are also considered to be contradictions for the use of this drug, women, younger than 18 shouldn’t use this medicine. In the presence of concomitant illnesses before starting the medicine it is advisable to consult your attending physician or gynecologist.

It should also be remembered that female Viagra in no case should be used at the same time with medicines containing nitrates in any form, nitrogen donators and beta-blockers.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol in large doses. Try not to drink alcohol at all on the day when you plan to use this famous pink pill. The maximum daily female Viagra dose for adult women is 100 milligrams. But it is recommended for the first time to take a smaller dose, 50 mg per day. The pill should be swallowed, not cracked and not broken. This should happen about an hour before the alleged sexual contact. The medicine works only if there is sexual arousal and stimulation! So you do not have to worry that at the wrong moment you will feel passion and irresistible sexual desire.

The medicine consists of substances of natural origin, so it is as harmless to the organism as possible.

Those complications that arise in rare cases are mild and short-term. Female Viagra side effects are:

  • Digestive system disorders
  • Headache
  • Allergic reactions
  • Narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa
  • Nausea

Many girls may be interested in this sex stimulant, because of numerous positive female Viagra reviews. But its price might seem too expensive for some of them. In this case, an alternative option is to purchase a generic female Viagra. This is a copy of a brand name Viagra and it consists of the same components and, accordingly, has absolutely identical principle of action. This is the same female Viagra, which you can buy in some drugstores, but more often online. Generic Viagra for females is usually much cheaper. Thus, you can return former passion into your sexual relationship without any effort and major financial investments.


The female organism is amazing and unpredictable.

Whats the active substance called?


Female Viagra improves woman's sexuality, increases sensitivity to stimulation, allows to reach an intense sexual satisfaction.
Active Ingredient: Sildenafil
100mg - $1.89 - Per pill

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