OBESITY:- APPLE is more dangerous than pear.
Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excess accumulation of fat in your body to the extent that it has deleterious effects on your health.
The more obese you become the more diseases you are likely to develop.Excess fat is just like a cultural media for diseases.The more fat you accumlate, the more diseases you invite to your body.Obesity is risk factor for following diseases.The risk is more if you have family history of obeaity.
*Heart disease and stroke
*High blood pressure
*Some cancers like cancer of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, ovaries, breast, colon, rectum, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney and prostate.
*Gallbladder disease and gallstones
*Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for short episodes during sleep) and snoring.
*Gynecological problems, like infertility, PCOD and menstrual irregularity.
*Erectile dysfunction and sexual health issues in males.
*Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,
*psychiateic problems like depression, mode changes , aocial isolation etc.
APPLE TYPE OBESITY:- If fat is mostly deposited around your STOMACH.
PEAR TYPE OBESITY :- Most of your extra weight is mostly around your HIPS & BUTTOCKS.
Apple type is more dangeeous.
*Modifiable causes like sedentry life style, wrong dietry habita, certain medicatioms and medical disorders like hypothyroidism' cushings disease etc
- Non modifiable like genetic , harmonal changes etc.
Non modifiable meana that you cannot change the factor causing obesity but you can prevent obesity via indirect means like physical activity, good dietry habita and seeking medical help.
Without any doubt the factor that contributes maximum is Sedentary life style and ill dietry habits.
REGULAR EXERCISE:- We need to get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity (like fast walking and swimming) activity a week to prevent weight gain.But this ahould be conaiatant and persistant to be effecitve.
The American Heart Association recommends obese patients participate in a medically supervised weight loss program two or three times a month for at least six months.
Focus on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid saturated fat and limit sweets and alcohol. Eat three regular meals a day with limited snacking.
Most of the patient's do not seek medical care for obesity per se but they seek treatment for diseases which they developed because of obesity.Now they are supposed to bear burden of disease as well as to take slack economiclly.Treatment modalitities for obesity may be medical or surgical.
Very good piece. I used to be a lot heavier... I know what you write is true. That's why I changed my lifestyle. Thanks.
Thank you.
Thank you doc for sharing this info on @steemit.
Easy, precise and well knit. Keep the goodwork up!
I will resteem it.
Nice post doc