Vitamin D Shown To Help Protect Against Cancer, Heart Failure, And More

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Most people who are living in North America have been said to be vitamin D deficient.

According to a study from several years ago, researchers suggested that about three-quarters of adults and teens in the U.S. were vitamin D deficient.

As awareness has increased over the past several years, the interest for vitamin D has exploded and millions of people have been going to their doctors, asking for screening to see if they are deficient. This has fueled a multi-million dollar supplement market in this space, with many people starting to take vitamin D supplements on a regular basis.

Symptoms for vitamin D deficiency include: weight gain, excessive sweating, back pain, and a feeling of aching bones.

And while some regularly scoff at the idea that maintaining a healthy vitamin D level is a waste of time, and many insist that the supplements do little good, there are still many who are dedicated to taking it and firmly believe that it's contributed to a restoration of health in a variety of ways.

Recent studies have suggested that high vitamin D levels could be linked to a reduced risk of cancer, among providing other possible benefits.

According to a study that was published in the BMJ journal, which involved over 33k participants that were followed for roughly 16 years, they saw high vitamin D levels associated with a decreased risk of liver cancer.

It's estimated that they saw roughly a 30-50 percent decreased risk of liver cancer.

However, they didn't see the same sort of results when it came to prostate and lung cancer. Researchers still say that further research on this topic is needed to better understand the potential benefits, if any, of vitamin D.

A separate recent study, that was published in the Heart Lung and Circulation journal, has also suggested that vitamin D could do a lot in helping to protect the heart.

Specifically, it might be able to help prevent against heart failure.

And this isn't the first time that it's been suggested that vitamin D might be beneficial in helping to fight against cancer. An earlier study from Creighton University, also found that vitamin D could possibly help to reduce the risk of cancer.

Researchers have linked vitamin d to autism prevention, protection against the seasonal flu, and promoting overall longevity.

There are multiple ways to go about trying to get some more vitamin D into your life. Some suggested sources of vitamin D are: egg yolks, soy milk, mushrooms, sardines and fatty fish, and orange juice.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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Vitamin D has so many benefits, but hard for people in some places to get naturally depending on weather, distance from equator, season etc...

But people need to be really careful with supplements, so many garbage supplements out there...

No sun? Go where it is!

Yeah that would be ideal.

There is certainly a ton a great researching underpinning the vast benefits of having an adequate supply of Vitamin D in your system. And the sun, !The Sun!, is certainly the best way to get it.

Unfortunately for me, I live in Syracuse, NY (recent move). We get about 26.5 minutes of sunlight annually, often times right in the middle of the winter. My wife and I will get naked (inside the house of course) and fight over the little rectangle of sunlight shining on our kitchen floor from our east facing window. I'm bigger than her, so I usually push her off the rectangle, enjoy the sun on my own. But this is not healthy for our relationship in the long term. I guess what I'm saying is Syracuse sucks, it's like living in a whale's vagina or some other cavernous, moist, cold area.

We are very white as of late, and I do fear for our long term health. If anyone has some extra space (and you live in sunny climes) in their house, shed, backyard, office parking space, or you have a neighbor with a large yard that wouldn't notice our tent, I'd really appreciate a little help.

Sorry, a little off topic. Vitamin D is great!!

really the consumption of foods that contain vitamin D is very important for our body, although I am more of the idea of cosumir foods containing vitamin D and not so much vitamin supplement.
the foods that more vitamin d contributes are Liver oil, Fish, Oysters, Caviar and eggs.
Excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily, thank you very much for spreading it

I know that Vitamin D is good for hour health but I didn't know it prevent cancer & Heart failure.Thank you so much for taking the time to post this information, it will help a lots of people to maintain their health & stay fit. Thanks again for taking the time to post this information & stay fit.

This makes sense considering the amount of time Americans spend indoors working and going school.

I have been taking a daily Vitamin D supplement for several years and I have noticed I don't get sick as much as others around me. I also take a small amount of diluted Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar every morning with the pill. I'm a believer in both.

i take the same acv! 😂👍

Out of this topic but I thought I'll let you know Grab and Uber is about to work out a deal in South East Asia and Grab is looking into offering loans and financial service too.

yeah i saw that! thx for sharing 😄 pretty interesting!

Natural vitamin d sources = Sunlight if they stop spraying crap in the sky, fish, cod liver oil capsules or liquid any Ultraviolet lamps and bulbs, and a million more articles available on this via my favourite browser duckduckgo, let's un-google ourselves together. Great article my friend.

Hello, doit
Thank you for your post. I did not know this things yet.
I love nature and love your pictures. I will be under sun all day to help in vitamin d.

Thank you

it looks like you are new to steemit? welcome!

yes. I made my account today. A friend told this to me.

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thank you a lot!!!

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