Benefits of Drinking Tea for health.

in #health7 years ago

Hi stemian
How are you all, hopefully in a healthy and happy, this time I will tell you about the benefits of tea drinks for health.
There are many health reasons to enjoy a cup of hot tea. Fragrant aroma of tea, can release fatigue if taken in time to enjoy the rest after a day of working out. Drinking tea is a great way to relax, while benefiting health. Green tea is also known to be very good to support health, including the type of tea that we know today.

Here are 10 Benefits of Drinking Tea for health, which you need to know

1.Tea contains antioxidants.

The antioxidants from tea will protect your body from aging damage and the adverse effects of air pollution.

2.Low tea caffeine.

Coffee usually contains two to three times the levels of caffeine from tea. A cup of coffee contains about 135 mg of caffeine, while tea contains only 30 to 40 mg per cup. If drinking coffee makes you nervous, or causes indigestion, headaches or disturbs sleep - you can switch to tea when you let go.

3.Tea can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Blood clots are formed from cholesterol and platelets, this is the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Drinking tea can help keep the arteries smooth and clog-free. A study conducted over 5.6 years in the Netherlands found that people who drink tea at least two to three cups of tea every day are at 70 percent lower risk of a fatal heart attack than people who are not tea drinkers.

4.Tea protects your bones.

It's not just milk that's useful for building strong bones. A study found that people who drank tea for 10 years or more had strong bones, even after adjusting for age, weight, exercise, merck and other risk factors, rather than those open tea drinkers. The authors suggest that this may be due to the abundance of beneficial phytochemicals in tea.

5.Tea is good for oral health.

Tea itself actually contains fluoride and tannins that can keep the plaque in the mouth. So drinking unsweetened tea for your daily routine will get clean teeth and healthy gums.

6.Tea boosts the immune system

Drinking tea can help boost the immune system to fight off infections. When 21 volunteers drank five cups of tea or coffee daily for four weeks, the researchers noticed increased immune system activity in the blood of tea drinkers.

7.Tea protects against cancer.

Polyphenols, antioxidants found in tea, are again useful against cancer. There is considerable research showing the potential protective effect of drinking tea, which shows the reason why we should drink tea.

8.Tea helps keep the body hydrated.

Caffeinated beverages, including tea, are used to meet daily fluid requirements. Because caffeine is a diuretic and will make us urinate more.Our thoughts about caffeinated beverages may not be able to contribute to the body's overall fluid needs. However, recent research has shown that caffeine in tea, or other caffeinated beverages such as coffee contribute to our bodily fluids. The only thing that makes caffeine a problem is when you drink more than five or six cups of caffeinated drinks every time.

9.Tea is calorie free.

Tea does not contain calories unless you add them sweeteners or milk. If you're looking for a calorie-free drink, tea is the top choice. This is usually sought by people who are on weight loss diet.

10.Tea increases the body's metabolism.

Many people complain about the slow metabolic rate of the body, as well as the inability to lose weight. Green tea is proven to actually increase the body's metabolic rate, so it can burn 70 to 80 extra calories just by just drinking five cups of green tea per day. Of course it must be accompanied by jogging, if you aim to lose weight

Tea drinks are very useful, so for you who want to live healthy do not forget to drink hot tea every morning let your body be healthy.
Maybe this is just a story from me.
May be useful.
thank you
Photo by @google


If tea plus milk what are the benefits?

nanti akan saya buat artikel tentang itu, jika saya jelaskan di sini akan panjang ceritanya, terima kasih sudahn berkunjung

hmmm feel tasted

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