Important Health Tip

in #health7 years ago (edited)


It has been discovered that most VEGETARIANS have a MORE ACTIVE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Their WHITE BLOOD CELLS are twice as deadly to TUMORS as those of MEAT EATERS, because it is thought that they have more natural KILLER CELLS among their WHITE CELLS.

Multiple scientific researches link a high fruits and vegetables consumption with a reduced meat, fish and poultry consumption to reduced risks of dying from a degenerative disease such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and even slows down the signs of aging on the body.

Not saying absolutely go vegan, that is up to yout personal choice but definitely think of incorporating more fruits and greens in your diet and aim to reduce meat consumption gradually if possible, you will definitely feel the benefits on your body and well-being in general!


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  11. Watson RR, Prabhala RH, Plezia PM, Alberts DS. Effect of beta-carotene on lymphocyte subpopulations in elderly humans: evidence for a dose-response relationship. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53:90-94.
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Also if you look at pretty much all health diets in general what the majority of all of them have in common is copious amounts of vegetables and/or fruit. Paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, Mediterranean, etc all have copious amounts of vegetables and fruits as their base if they are done right.

Good reminder that food is medicine.

Bad food is bad medicine and Good Food is Good Medicine - I agree whole-heartedly.

@dems you really should consider linking to one or two references to backup what you are saying. You would likely get more upvotes if people can confirm what you are saying is true.

Definitely true - after the first sentence of the second paragraph I checked for reference.
Since there was none I stopped reading.

Thanks for the heads up, will do. :)

thanks for the post @dems. just saying, 10 years ago next week I underwent over 16 hours of surgery to remove early stage 4 throat cancer and to put my face back together and rebuild my throat and jaw.

Needless to say, I became a BIG believer in finding out how to avoid going thru that again. I hadn't heard about the vegetarian <> white blood cells <> twice as deadly before - it doesn't surprise me and I will definitely check out your references and do more research.

My own research quickly lead me to treat white sugar like a cancer feeding toxic poison. With research my diet evolved back to a "Garden of Eden" style diet of fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices and seeds and nuts.

So far so good, 10 years next week and still cancer free.

Thanks again for your post. People would be a lot healthier, there would be a lot less disease if we ate more naturally.

What a story! I'm really glad to hear that you survived such a disease, wnd yes you're absolutely right awareness and prevention are definitely better than going through such difficult situations! Thanks for sharing 😊

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