Dear Diary: I'm Wishing That I Could Buy My Brother A Car One Day

in #health6 years ago (edited)


My second to the eldest brother had been with me since before day one of my first dialysis and in fact he had also bought me some food supplements just to make me feel well. Then he also helped me a great deal for paying my dialysis and on those first years I am not on health insurance so most of his salary including the money he saved from not commuting in going to work but only biking on his way to his work even goes to my treatment bills.

Thank goodness we have the same faith in our religious beliefs and without that aspect he could been just like my eldest brother who wasn't even lifting a finger for my medical needs. But anyway none of my siblings and parents or even my church-mates or relatives perhaps are obliged to help me, it is just that my brother (second to the eldest) was taught the real teachings of Christ so he didn't abandoned me.

There was this instance when I was at a charity dialysis and I can only use a particular dialysis machine because of my liver condition (Hepatitis B) and when that machine broke and with that issue I can't use the other machines. So my brother borrowed money from his coworkers (without interest because of his reputation to them perhaps) so that the machine could get fixed and I can resume my treatment.

I really am grateful for my brother's kind heart in that instance because he literally had saved my life a few times thanks to God. Now I will never forget those instances so if I will be given n opportunity or a chance I would like to repay him with something he can appreciate very much, like a car that he can use since the car that we use was actually his but since I needed it twice a week to travel for my dialysis he just takes it when they with his wife shops to buy something in the supermarket or go someplace.


Your brother is a gem of a person. May god keep you all blessed

Hola hijo.
Tu todo lo puedes.
Estoy seguro de que lograrás comprar un buen carro pronto y facilitar mucho más las idas al Centro Médico.
Vamos Para adelante CAMPEÓN.
Saludos y Gracias por Existir

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