Top List of Worst Foods!

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I believe that everybody knows more or less what is good and what is not for our body, so this is just a reminder.
This is my choice and the criterion for entering the list is the total calorific value, the presence of harmful ingredients,
the reliability of the food composition (content of the declaration).

1.Frying in deep oil

This is one of the worstest forms of food you can eat.
Namely, by immersing food in oil and roasting in oil part of this fat comes into the food itself, which increases the amount of fat and calories.
Salt fried food is full of salt and it is sweet full of sugars, and the middle,
simple does not exist.
Except the astronomical levels of fat, calories and sodium or sugar, deep-fried foods can also be carcinogenic.

2. Industrial pates and sausages

The percentage of meat or fish is low,
the rest are water,
starch and
refined vegetable oils.

To make this all have a taste, flavor enhancers are used.

And how to keep it all together, various stabilizers are used,
acidity regulators and
other chemicals with more or less E numbers.
Duration is How Much? A year? Two?
Optionaly of manufacturers...
An unacceptable amount of additives (flavor enhancers and preservatives),
especially polyphosphates and sodium nitrite: cause stomach and lung cancer,
pull out calcium from the bone, leading to osteoporosis,
the fetuses are lagging behind and are incorrectly formed,
bad are for developing children.

Large amounts of fat increase cholesterol leading to cardiovascular disease

What is the right food so long healthy?
Only food that is crashes down is the right food!
Peats and sausages, like other industrial products, are not the real food.
These are nutritionally impoverished items, highly processed and packed additives.
A quality industrial pâtés and sausages does not exist and will not exist.
For quality pates and sausages, you must find the butcherer with unlimited trust.



Ants know better than humans...

Another favorite foodstuff is margarine. Made is from vegetable oil, which is extracted from sunflower by using chemicals.
High temperature in the oil processing process destroys all the vitamins and antioxidants it contains and leads to the formation of free radicals that can cause large cell damage and increase the risk of cancer.
These are the oils wich unhealthy in start.
Adding new chemicals leads margarin into a firm and recognizable condition, which is very damaging.
In fact, margarine contains trans fat, which is probably one of the worst things you can eat - it increases cholesterol levels, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and even damages the blood vessels wall.
And so instead of margarine, you should rather use butter or good old pork fat on the bread.



Especially harmful foods.

Only popcorn from a microwave oven.

Because in them there is a chemical that has been shown to increase the risk of cancer,
affects the fertility of you,
obstructs kidney function.

Many microwave popcorn contain are fed into artificial flavors and trans-fatty acids, and chemicals that cause headaches and nausea.
I recommend as a nutritionist if you are a lover
you make this snack in a traditional way.

5.Cheese in leaves

This cheese is not prepared from clear cheese!

He is preparing from what remains in the process of making cheese.

It contains only 50 percent of cheese,
while the other ingredients are
emulsifiers i
artificial colors to make the product look more beautiful.
There are twice as many salt in this cheese as in plain.
And fat?
They have more than any other dairy product.



The average hamburger in the restaurant contains about 20 percent fat, which means that a fifth of burgers is an animal fat that is full of cholesterol and other unhealthy ingredients.
And when cheese and bacon are added to the hamburger,
the quantity of unhealthy ingredients go to moon.
Better is,
if just craving for a burger,
do it yourself at home or
select it with more vegetables.



Chips is one of those foods that has minimal or almost no nutritional value.
It is simply salted starch fried in oil,
filed fat,

Still more,
the chips contain acrylamide,
a carcinogenic ingredient released when foods are work at high temperatures.

8.Diet food


Foods labeled "no fat" or "low dietary foods" can often contain more sugar and chemicals.
When the fat content is reduced in food, in order to maintain the taste,
numerous chemicals, salt and sugar are added.
Therefore, it is always healthy to eat the right foods, even if they contain more fat and calories, as they do less harm than the low dietary foods.


Roasted bacon is perhaps one of the most delicious foods but unfortunately it is not good for health.
Three bacon slices contain about one-fifth of the proposed daily dose of sodium,
but it also contains nitrates and
the fact that this meat is smoked contributes to a greater likelihood give of carcinoma and heart disease.

In addition, bacon is fried in its own fat,
which is full of saturated fat and cholesterol.

10.Frozen ready meals


Practical, but frozen ready meals are often very poor in nutrients.
Such foods are also full of fat, calories, and sodium,
because after defrosting and heating in the microwave oven still need to be tastes.
Even if it is written on a packaging yes contains a reduced amount of fat, frozen ready meals are still very unhealthly due to large aunts of chemicals and sodium.

11. Half finished and finished canned food


The salt that is hidden in the semi-finished and finished foods greatly increases the intake of more than daily needs and damages the kidneys and leads to osteoporosis.
Sodium is a culprit

The cooking salt is sodium chloride and sodium cause harmful effects on the body.
The product's declarations indicate the amount of sodium in grams.

To get the amount of salt contained in that food, the amount of sodium (g) is multiplied by 2.5.

Sol (g) = 2.5 x sodium (g)

According to the Declaration, we estimate the share:

High - the amount of salt greater than 1.5g per 100g of product (about 0.6g of sodium)

Low - the amount of salt that is less than 0.3 g of salt per 100 g of product (about 0.1 g of sodium).

If the amount of salt per 100 g of foods between these two values ​​this is the input of a moderate amount of salt.

The trend of marking sodium on foods is on the rise, but most do not yet have that value.
Tea spoon is about 6 grams of salt, which is the maximum permitted daily intake.
If we already make 70% of it in the finished food, only 30% or about 1.5 g of salt is left for to be added to our own food.

Conclusion and Proposal

Has more but this is enough to start ...
Read the declarations.
Give your body what it needs.
The food needs to be as close as possible to the original, natural form,
from where and we, come from.

What do you think you ?

until next time, big greeting


I’m shopping like my grandma... at our local farmer’s market. Real food is soooooo much better. It’s a little more time intensive and the food actually goes bad if not prepared or frozen. It’s worth it though. Your doctor and waist will approve.

Smart thinking...
The food we eat - it's us.
How does your car go if you do not change the oil and in the car poured bad fuel?

That is EXACTLY what my doctor told me a couple of years ago.

I agree with you in general. But some of them are the best kind of food if they are cooked at home. Like popcorn that is full of antioxidants.
Thank you

I Known.
Domestices popcorn is something else.

If you do not want to give up everything from unhealthy food, at least it should be moderate.

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