Disgustingly!!! Parasites in us?

in #health6 years ago

I'm going to try to show you,
wich small Monsters are living in us ... and how ih se pokušati rješiti...

I present

The Parasites


What are parasitese?


Parasites are organisms that live on the account of another organism, called "host"
regardless of whether they live in it or on it.

The parasite takes from the host all, and in turn gives it nothing.
(you've probably seen human specimens in life too).

The parasite can be a plant or animal.
Sometimes she lives in multiple hosts but usually lives only on the account one of a host.

Sometimes he kills his host by taking too much food or by creating substances that are being poison for the host.

Almost all types of parasites have a large and very resistant heirs.

This protect them from destruction.

Here's the most famous.


1. Tapeworm ( in the picture )

By eating food or water contaminated with eggs or the larvae
you can be infected.
If you consume larvae, they will develop into adult
tapeworms, in your bowel (intestinal infection, in the picture).

Larvae develop in the stomach of cows or pigs.

Tapeworms can grow up to 12 meters and settle in the human body for up to many years and you do not even know this.

Tapeworms can be the cause of various health problems, complications, weakness, in the worst case the brain can swollen if the parasite moves to that area.

If you consume insufficiently heat-treated - raw, pork or beef, you will be exposed to the risk.

Meat is "OK", are you sure about it?

Be careful, when grill!

2. Fluke

These parasites infest the gall bladder and liver, and multiply in the fresh water where they enter the fish.
One of the ways of infection is the consumption of raw or insufficiently heat-treated fish.
These parasites do not cause any symptoms, so people often do not know they are infected, and adult methylates cause so much harm that chronic liver inflammation often turns into liver cancer.
This parasite is responsible for 50 percent of all malignant dieasesin Thai Isaana, where are specialty meal is made of
raw fish.



These parasites are rarely longer than centimeters,

Over the small intestine enter the blood.

Mining worms prevents the transfer of nutrients from the small intestine to the blood and this is The cause is many health problems like anemia, slow cognitive growth and malnutrition.

The vast majority of infected people live in areas of tropical and subtropical climate where they do not have adequate sanitation conditions.



Trihinelosis (also known as trihinose) is a parasitic illness that comes after the intake of raw or insufficiently roasted meat.

The disease is widespread throughout the world.

The muscle tissue of the infected animals contains the cysts, i.e. the paralyzed parasitic forms, which in the initial part of the small intestine (after ingestion) are matured to adult forms.

By adult parasites, numerous larvae that successfully pass through the intestinal wall to the bloodstream are formed and then transmitted to the whole body by blood and lymph.

The cycle ends with the invasioned of larvae into the muscle cells and the formation of the cysts, while the adult worms expel with the chair.

The weight of the disease itself depends primarily on the number of trihichinas in the consumed meat, as well as on the health.

Scientists assume that as many as 60 percent of the world's population currently

have some parasite inside themselves without knowing it.

The human body can hosts more than 130 different parasitic species so it makes no sense to count them anymore.

Infections may range from mild, barely noticeable


Non-hazardous Demodex folliculorum, here visibles on electronic microscopic images, lives in the lash eyelash follicles .

And To dangerous


Loa loa filariasis is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm Loa loa.
deer carry it
The doctors say this is the easiest case, because the worm is visible and accessible to a surgical intervention.
So see where the parasite can find it !!!

Better safe than sorry

In most cases, incubation takes a long time and when it's over you are already in trouble.
Be careful not to come into contact with the contagion. Food and drink, Animals and infected persons.
Do not eat raw meat if you do not have safe in origin and health records.
Allegedly, American hospitals each year see about 1,000 cases of tapeworms.
Toxoplasma gondii, also known as the "cat cats parasite", infected about 60 million US citizens in one year.

It is clear that these tiny organisms can cause so many serious health problems that it becomes necessary to kill the parasites that lie in your body. Many health care professionals are testing parasite patients before they undergo specific therapy.


How to know something is wrong?

  • weakness, apathy, depression
  • chronic fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • iron deficiency (anemia)
  • insomnia
  • nervousness, irritability, hyperactivity
  • abdominal and gastric upsets
  • headache
  • abdominal pain
Do you have any of this?

What next?

You have to find out the diagnosis (official or alternative, or both - maybe the best).


I suggest story by of Dr. Clark.

Dr. Clark (1928 - 2009) was a physiologist, biophysicist, naturopate and author of eight books on alternative medicine, six about on cancer.
Dr. Clark was very fond of nature and felt that everyone could heal himself. He has always looked for the cause of the disease, which is based on the symptoms.

She watched more people with the same illness and discovered what they had in common.

Thus he discovered that a particular parasite was associated with each disease, detected by his own invention - the synchrometer, the parasitic detection device.

The most significant of her discoveries was the knowledge that direct electrical activity kills bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Her explanation for achieving health is simple: remove all obstacles that prevent you from being healthy!

Hulda Clark has outlined several crucial steps for healing:

  • Kill the parasites - electricity or plant treatment
  • Remove poisons from the body
  • Get rid of gall stones by liver cleansing
  • Remove kidney stones by cleaning the kidneys

Doing that,and your immunity will re-work properly.


She invented it - a sinchrometer.

It is a device that has enabled fast and correct detection of microorganisms and harmful substances in the body of man and animals.

Synchrometer works on the principle of matching the frequencies (resonance).
Everything in our universe has its own frequency (more precisely, frequency range).

By frequency we can detect the presence of parasites, viruses and bacteria in the body.

More important invention - zappera - came in 1994.

It's a simple gadget for killing a parasite in the human body with a low current of low voltage and a certain frequency.

Its advantage is killing pathogens and reactivating immunity without adapting the frequency to various parasitic types.

He also invented a dental suppressor who kills the bacteria in his mouth.

She also created a zapping plate - a technique that traverses fat cells and cleanses the target organ.

"Zapiranje" does not harm human health, and in Russia it is part of conventional medicine.

She found three plants that kill more than one hundred parasites - black nut, pelin and clove together.
In 1993, Dr. Clark issued his most famous book "Cure for All Cancers", explaining the association of cancer with parasite Fasciolopsis Buskii.

This parasite was present in every person with cancer. If the parasite had been removed, and the cancer would disappear quickly.

And for the end

Of course we should know if we are clean of parasites.Do not forget what scientists assume (60%)!

We can also listen to and Dr Oza:

Doctor's Advice of the OZ to Destroy the Parasite

  • wash well hands, fruits and vegetables

  • drink clean water

  • Avoid antacids (eg Gastal etc)

  • every day eat 2 cloves of garlic (or garlic capsules)

  • drink 15 days tea of sweet wormwood

  • 15 days to eat tropical fruit seeds with little honey poppies (this is hard, the best!)

  • Many experts also recommend Citrofit, or Grapefruit Extract.

I would like to add:

  • healthy and balanced nutrition,
  • physical activity,
  • avoiding stress,
  • sleep, fresh air and the sun.

What do you think you?

until next time, big greeting


This is a bigger issue than most people realize and can lead to a host of "common" issues such as digestive upset, mood disorders, fatigue, memory loss, joint pain, insomnia, etc. Another major parasite that is contracted from house cats is toxoplasmosis. I think that even if people don't think they have a parasite they should still do a cleanse. The cleanses that I have done have been with herbal tinctures that included a mixture of black walnut, wormwood, and clove.

What a coincidence.
I j will got a cat in home.
How will I know for sure that there is no toksoplasma.
An analysis or something else?

You will need to have a blood test to know for sure. A lot of people made to do so by their doctor when they complain of persistent flu-like symptoms.

The man on the picture was saved.

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