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RE: Doctors Kill More Babies Than Guns.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

They know Social Security is going broke, so they have to find some way to thin the human herd!!! Moooooooooo!!!!

Just my 2 cents


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Thank you for your comments and support.

The payments promised are coming due on many fronts. Social security is but one. I think they may have squeezed just a bit too hard with their recent moves to defund civilization to fill their own pockets. They have certainly made an eternal enemy of me.

Pensions will fall along with social security, and both of these are promises that were traded for actual work. The retired are going to be angry. This is not even mentioning the entitlement class, the welfare takers who did nothing to pay into SS or a pension. For some reason the entitlement class, including immigration criminals, are more adamant that they 'get theirs' than are those who actually contribute.

The welfare state cannot be sustained. Too much has been promised to too many. When the welfare state goes under, so will foreign aid.

Manipulations of environmentalism figure into it as well. This 'human caused climate change' for instance, is actually austerity in disguise. It is an excuse for those in power to line their pockets, all the while telling us to make ourselves smaller, and have less children. Now our population is in decline, so their fix is to import the entire third world. This is an obvious ruse at the People's expense.

There are many more aspects of this. It is an attack on all fronts, meant to bewilder.

We built this world, not the media promoted figureheads, who are trying to steal everything and blame the rest of us for the results.

Well stated and very calmly. People have no other option now but to wakeup and face the dark truths of our world (that most of what is "collectively" taught to be the status quo by the LameStream Media and Corporate funded Universities isn't anything like we have been told) and grow or go by choice or lack thereof.

Social Security isn't going broke, it has been stolen by those in government for themselves and others. You are aware that your birth certificate is a stock on the stock market and that that money which earns a varied amount but is held as a TDA Treasury Deposit Acct. which is supposed to pay for all your living expenses survival needs yet is kept from you? You only get a tiny little bit when you retire or become disabled. The politicians are forging economic slavery and war on the American people. For fractional reserve banking when you take out a mortgage...that mortagage is actually paid for by your birth certifcate stock but the bank still collects from you (which is criminal fraud) and even charges you interest for giving them the right to create money out of thin air...and lend out 9 times what you "borrowed" to others.

None of it is going broke, not even the People. It's just that the People are not being informed that they are wealthy beyond their imaginings, so that the wealth can be stolen, and the People kept under control.

Do you know about the CAFR? This is the comprehensive annual financial report. It details the financial state of the U.S. government, and shows that We the People actually own the controlling interest in many of the world's global corporations. If the People realized this we could use our vote as shareholders to stop much of the control system that is killing us.

Yes I am. One of my closest and dearest friends in 3d is Caleb Skinner, one of the OPPT trustees who hand-served the Rothchilds a Claim of Slavery demanding they cease and desist at both the City of London and to their House Council in Zurich. I also was one of the people bringing out how some finally gained access to their TDAs/birth certificate trust accounts before the Banksters wielded chaos to scramble everything...It is the people sti consenting to the system that is killing us all for sure!!!

Sorry, I didn't know you are in the U.K.

Does the U.K. government have an equivalent to the CAFR?

I have seen the securities number on my own birth (berth) certificate. It's a good thing that I am not a piece of paper, but I'd rather not have a securities number associated with my person.

You are wise and led by your intuition without the "knowledge". I was born on Martha's Vineyard in the fraudulent Commonwealth of MA but left over 3 years ago because my particular community who adulates, adores, and worships not only materialism but the values of the W.A.S.P.s, never mind dreams to have them as a client or rub elbows with them. They have no interest in waking up to the truth because like humanity as a collective still perceive these people to be capable of giving us power or freedom which could not be further from the truth. Even Hitlery & OBummer have hell lives because they have been born into Satanic Ritual Abuse, torture, pedophilia, and abuse but chose to be abusers over taking a stand against the execrable behaviour of their parents!

I wish more people knew that power, and freedom cannot be given to us as we already have them. All that remains is for us to realize it and exercise our power and our freedom.

I agree Whole-Heartedly BroStar @lifeworship...<3 <3 <3

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