RE: Oh to be a Nurse . . .
Oh I hear you and thank you for your wonderful interesting comment, just wondering if inhaling these fumes from the essential oils is entirely safe? But I am thinking you probably have considered that aspect of using the aroma therapy...
LOL, poison ivy, yeah... I have this nasty rash, why not massage it ROFL; truly I think this is why we get the quality of politicians elected as we do. So many idiots out there voting...
When I become world dictator i will pass a law that you cannot VOTE or get a MASSAGE without passing a " common sense " exam, similar to getting a car licence . . .
I am at work as a nurse this lady comes in with an itchy rash. She sits there in bed scratching at her red pustules. I say " look hunny you need to stop scratching, I know it is hard; but you gotta stop ".
She yells at me " how dare you, if I want to scratch i will, they are itchy and i will scratch them as I am"...
I replied " listen deary , its a free country you do whatever you want to do, no skin offa my nose, you wanta scratch your rash you go right ahead; as I said its a free country. Its MY JOB to tell you that your scratching has those nerve ending crying at the moment and if you keep scratching those nerve ending will be SCREAMING in pain in an hour, but you do whatever you like..."
She glared at me and slapped her hands under her legs to stop itching, I said " good girl, now i will not have to fill you full of pain killers in an hour "...
Damn hard being a nurse : )
LMAO!!! I can so relate.
Yeah, no issue at all with the essential oils.
; )
Just remember there are a few erotic trigger points on the feet so be careful who and where some people expect a massage : )