Impermanence Makes Life Beautiful
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
Sometimes you want things to stay the same. You get nostalgia about old times and how great things were at certain points in your life.
It can cause pain because you are attached to that experience.
The truth is nothing is going to stay the same.Not the feeling you have now, not the people around you.
Things change and that is life.
I remember when I left primary school. I was so upset, I made so many good friends there and grew attached to the experiences I had with them. I thought I would never have a group like this again but in secondary school I met new people and made new connections. The same happened when I went University.
Each time I found different but great experiences come with change. Sure I miss the old moments but clinging to them doesn’t do you any good. It distracts from the now.
Impermanence can help you look on the bright side of negative situations. Look back in your life there is always a fluctuation of positive and negative carrying through. It doesn’t matter what your going through and how hard it may seem at the moment.
It will pass.
The situation will change.
If everything was constant and you relived every moment again and again. Sure it would be nice the first few times but after a while your going to lose appreciation for it. The fact that certain things can only happen once is what adds to the beauty and wonder of life.
You appreciate those once in a lifetime moments because there just that.
Once in a lifetime.
Steemit: @conscmovement