Toxoplasma — the most successful parasite in the world….do you know it ?

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Toxoplasma has infected some 20% of the global population. In US and Europe it is even more prevalent and the older you are the higher the probability for being infected. In this sense it is the most successful parasite in the far, as it also infects many other mammalian species.

However, most people have never heard anything about it...neither from school, university, health-authorities or the news/press....somewhat odd, hence this factual walk-through.

How can I self-access if I have Toxoplasma gondii?
A way to self-assess if you are affected by Toxoplasma — is to measure your ability to deal with the subject itself;

If you condemn it without investigation or experience medium to strong resentment to the idea of a brain-parasite, if your consciousness seeks to induces abrupt change in subject when Tg is discussed, or if you find it very difficult/fear-provoking to contemplate …..then you probably have Tg.

Your doctor can test you, the testing procedure is a simple blood sample and -analysis. In USA and most of Europe the infection-rate lies in the range of 20–25%. Age reflects probability of infection as a rule of thumb (i.e 20 y/o=20% probability, 50 y/o=50% probability).

Tg’s possible behaviouristic symptoms as described in scientific literature includes; reduction in novelty seeking (reduced Curiosity), proneness to dogma, aggressiveness, conformity, conscientiousness, jealousy, trust in authority, amplified anxieties/fear, driven by emotion more than fact and prone to buy into fear-based narratives (and -isms).

What is Tg in an evolutionary context?
To understand and decode the workings of Toxoplasma gondii, we must first look into its ontology; Parasitism.

Classified in biology in the triune; {Predator, Symbiote, Parasite} — thus being an evolutionary quality. Works from molecular level (virus) and up. This triune lies in the natural fabric of physicality, biology and psyche, and its manifestation within species is observable in all of the many life forms we know of. These qualities also lies at the foundation of how we organize society. In this light parasitism is a strategy. This is why science refers to intelligence in parasitism.

It is not only a set of biological rules. Parasitism is also a part of our psychic fabric, and as such an archetype — that according to Jung et al. has agency. It has a place in our consciousness and its basic pattern is printed into the collective subconscious — and here lies the root cause to the hardship in getting this on the public agenda as an important health issue. Parasitism prefer the shadows, the less the host is aware the better. Parasitism is expert in stealth.

The U-set {Predator, Symbiote, Parasite} is in a constant interactive process and never in perfect equilibrium, however as the central dynamic is equilibrium corrections must happen.

The overall raison d’etre for Parasitism seems to be to challenge status quo, to probe and test the hosts defenses:
“The parasite is an exciter. Far from transforming a system, changing its nature, its form, its elements, its relations and its pathways the parasite makes it change states differentially. It inclines it. It makes the equilibrium of the energetic distribution fluctuate. It dopes it. It irritates it. It inflames it. Often this inclination has no effect. But it can produce gigantic ones by chain reactions or reproduction.” (Michel Serres, The Parasite)

Parasitism takes advantage of the blind sides and the weak defenses. It is a constant challenge and has a very important role in keeping the societal immune-system (i.e the political- and institutional system) on its toes and in perpetual development.

It is easy to see the natural algorithms behind the triune elements, where Individualism favors aggregation, Collectivism favors replication and Parasitism favors intrusion and/or attachment.

Anyone observing society, humans, nature and our various modes of interaction will easily be able to see and distinct these qualities, but less so in terms of Parasitism that rather remains unseen — and that is why the scientific facts presented here (or contemplation hereof) will be novel to most people.

Toxoplasma overview.
The below are facts. Any information below is either well established biology or is from peer-reviewed scientific reports and articles.

It is the most successful parasite we know of. It has infected a large number of mammalian spices, from humans over livestock to beluga whales and sea otters.

It is the most researched parasite (being a “model protozoan”) and more than 10.000 peer reviewed articles has been published on the subject of Tg.

Is called a “Global Threat” in several scientific reports.

Can control its hosts behavior, especially related to amygdala and the Paleomammalian brain (Limbic system.

It has developed its functionality and modus operandi for at least 10 million years, and other parasitic fungus-species even managed “host-control” some 40 million years ago.

Creates a huge boost in T-cells when it enters a body and confuses the immune system — that is suspected to trigger auto-immune conditions.

Traverses the blod-brain-barrier in a very sophisticated way.

Creates cysts (bradyzoites) in muscle tissue (for instance the heart) and in the brain.

Has a preference for the area around Amygdala (fear, emotion, reward).

Is able to influence the synthesis of Dopamine (and Serotonin and Testosterone).

Can be removed using a — surprisingly large — array of remedies and methods. Hosts can be immunized and prophylactic action can reduce its effects

Disease with Tg as recognized causal factor:
Toxoplasmosis in immune-compromised hosts
Congenital Toxoplasmosis (rare but severe)
Influenza-like symptoms at time of infection, due to boost in T-cells

Disease with Tg as suggested causal factor (full, in part or accentuating/amplifying):
Various forms of cancer, with emphasis on brain cancer (Tg is mimicking the iron metabolism of cancer)
Diabetes I & II
Cystic Fibrosis
Cardiovascular disorders/Cardiac diseases
Long-term wear-down of immune defense
Bi-polar disorder (manio-depressive)
Onset of various dementia related conditions
Alzheimers and Parkinsons

Suggested influence on behavior & psyche:
Reduction in “Novelty seeking” (i.e elimination of healthy Curiosity….the most dangerous aspect of Tg)
Aggressive, “explosive anger syndrome”
Self directed agressiveness, suicide
Lowered capacity of learning — especially in children
Conformity and dogmatism
Extreme PMS and deeper postnatal depression
Amplification of fear and subtle anxiety

Suggested influence on the collective:
Massive reduction in “novelty seeking” on a societal level
Amplification of fear-based agendas/collective fear inducing events
Causal disturbances

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