Keto Diet: How to Support Yourself
Keto is now all the rage in the health and fitness industry. So in this article I show you common complaints and solutions for your new lifestyle change. Keto was designed originally to control seizures but, within the Keto community itself, we see actual success stories of keto’s ability to combat inflammation, cancers, autoimmune, heart disease and diabetes.. There are many people achieving great health benefits. Keto is not a temporary diet solution, it is a lifestyle change, especially for the ones who are critically ill. I, myself, am an avid keto lifestyler. I am active in more than a few groups. Over this past year I have devoted myself to the keto groups for support, recipes and also to help my fellow keto lifestylers. Within these groups I see these three common grievances.
- My Partner won’t support me even though they need keto as much as I do.
- My kids/partner eat my expensive keto food.
- My friends and family sabotage me.
These are not just diet issues these are actually relationship issues. Keto has become the great equalizer in the home. I have seen Keto break relationships and cause frustration in the home. But how do you combat these issues? Let’s break them down by number.
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash
- My Partner won’t support me even though they need Keto as much as I do.
The first complaint is a twofold problem. First we have to separate our issue from our partner’s. Your health issue is your own and your responsibility to take care of. Your partner has a right to reject Keto just as you have a right to embrace it. Their diet is their choice. No one force fed you when you were not on Keto. So why would you try to force feed them now that you have gone Keto? It would be nice if your partner took you into consideration. This does not mean that their lack of participation is about you. It is about them. If you depend solely upon your partner to agree with everything, then perhaps there is some over-expectations and or codependency in the relationship.
My sweetheart was not on board the Keto train at first, but he came around. If you cannot get support from your partner, online groups abound. Facebook and Sparkpeople are two great places to look. There are many in your shoes. No one person can fulfill all your support needs, you are designed to operate in community. Finding support in online or traditional groups gives you the reinforcement you need and frees you to see the other wonderful things that your partner brings to the table. The best ways to win them to keto is never debate or argue. Let them see your success. Nagging will do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. When they see your weight-loss, blood work change, and your commitment over the long haul, they will take notice. - My kids/partner eat my expensive keto food.
Keto food can be expensive up front but once you become ‘fat adapted’ the cost goes down. At this point, you tend to eat less frequently so your food dollars stretch further. This, however, means nothing when you are on a tight budget and trying to make every dollar count. Also, if you are very seriously ill, then keto food is actually medication for your body to heal. So, number two on our list is a boundary issue. Ask yourself: Would you allow your child or partner to go into your medicine cabinet without asking and take your prescription that is saving your life? Would you allow your child to just go into your purse without asking and take out the equivalent in cash for your groceries without asking? Even if you can replace it, does the taking without asking make it right? Believe it or not, it is the same principal. How would you handle it? It’s up to you to enforce your boundaries. - My friends and family sabotage me.
Number three is heartbreaking. Deliberate sabotage is a form of betrayal. No matter what form it is in, it still hurts. This is where we have to make some serious observations. Why would someone do that to a person they love? Maybe they are insecure. You can reassure a person, but at the end of the day, never take responsibility for their issue. They may fear that you will leave them even though it is actually your intent to be healthy so you can enjoy a longer life with them. Some people genuinely are super-sensitive to change and react very negatively. As they watch you grow and succeed, they will come to realize that they are safe. This area is why you need your support group the most. Be patient. If a friend or family member is just outright hostile, no matter your effort, cutting fellowship with them until they are safe to be around again may be your only option. They may even cut fellowship with you. Chalk it up as their loss, not yours. You gained some peace of mind. Your keto diet flushes toxicity in your body and your life. If it is your spouse or partner that is deliberately sabotaging you, then this is a serious relationship issue and a marriage coach, pastor or counselor should be consulted . Your domestic partner should have some respect to at least minimize your exposure to trigger foods, even if they are not on the new eating plan.
Keto is change, and any change affects the family dynamic. Change can show you weak areas within yourself and your family dynamic. This is why we call it a lifestyle change. Keto gives us an opportunity to be healthy in our bodies and relationships. I pray your keto journey will be successful in every way!
Stacia Martin
The Coffee House Counselor .com