Day One Review: MCT Oil Also Known as Medium-Chain Triglycerides.
I am a big fan of the Joe Rogan podcast and he is always promoting MCT oil and a Ketogenic diet. Lately the window I am allowing myself to eat in is less that 12 hours giving my digestive system plenty of down time. The bonus to this is being in a state of Ketosis.
Ketosis is where your body is running completely on fat and helps your body in several other areas. A downside for me is lack of energy at times. MCT oil helps to bridge those energy gaps and keeps you going throughout the day.
I added some to my tea this morning and am already feeling the benefits. Usually at this time I would be laying down for a nap but instead with MCT I am writing a steemit post and being productive instead. MCT oil is also a help to the digestive system but I have yet to get to that aspect yet. Rogan often jokes about how he knows he has consumed too much MCT oil because it causes frequent violent bathroom breaks.
I ordered mine of amazon and am very happy with the product and packaging. It is non gmo, vegan, paleo, and gluten free, as far as I know that covers all the bases for healthy. It arrived quickly as well using amazon's prime feature.
I will keep using it and update you all on any progress and benefits, thank for reading!

Be careful. Listen to your body's voice (intuition). Mother Nature knows Best.