RE: A Comment About Exercise and Weight Loss
I agree that stopping sugar intake is a good thing to do, but I disagree about the fat. Just be careful about which ones you consume. As I understand it, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter from cream from grass-fed cows are all acceptable, and they taste good (at least to me) and in reasonable quantities will not add to your body fat. I think the main mechanism for putting on fat (for Americans at least) is that insulin forces sugars to go into cells as fat for storage since they can't all be used for energy at the time they are present in the blood. Of course, I may not know what I think I know, but that's my belief.
And a feature of the exercise regimin I mention is supposed to be that it will cause one's body to change the way it processes all foods in beneficial way, including reducing cravings for cokes all day (which I do suffer from). I'm more of a couch-potato than an exercise fanatic, so do what I say (subject to the caveats in the original message), not what i do.