Map of 5G and Corona Virus cases- The 5G relationship to Oxygen

in #health5 years ago (edited)


Map included showing 5G installed in the blue map and Corona Virus outbreak in the black and red map.Click on the maps to see, the blue map showed the January 2020 installations but not what is being rolled out now, Ecuador and Peru are now 5G zones.

5G masts on the ground have a short range in an oxygenated environment compared to the signals in outer space where there is no oxygen, which can range from 25,000 to 46,000 kms, which is why millions of them are being deployed across the Earth. The radio channels can alter this signal due to the surrounding environment, which can include obstacles, reflections, scattering, oxygen absorption and movement depending on terrain, urban, countryside, mountains etc. EMF frequencies in the range of 60GHz requires a lot of oxygen in order to carry the wave signal, At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules.

When 5G passes through biological cells of a living organism the oxygen molecules will be taken from the organisms cells, oxygen molecules share electrons that bind with He Iron in our body, when the oxygen is burned up by the 5G EMF it causes the cells to collapse, change their shape and affects our cells and Haemoglobin, Iron in our blood has magnetic properties. 5G EMF frequencies also affect water molecules which start turning on their axis to attempt to try line up to the EMF frequencies which causes a breakdown of water molecules in our cells, in addition to Oxygen breakdown and cell damage. We are 70 percent water.

So, what do you think will happen to the oxygen and water in our body cells when we are exposed to 60GHz frequencies?

60 GHz technology only works because it needs the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, as 5G is absorbing oxygen, if the EMF fields are passing through your skin and into your blood cells, your heamoglobin can’t take up the oxygen, which means this frequency can suffocate biological organisms at a distance by interfering with oxygen binding to hemoglobin in blood, this can cause strokes, internal haemorrhage, blood clots and so on, as the blood cells group together to try and protect themselves, which is why in the videos posted on youtube you see when they switched on the 5G towers in Wuhan, we see people dropping dead in the street or at work by having seizures due lack of oxygen and the EMF fields causing internal clots, heamorraging and suffocation. That’s because the frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate and 5g oscillates between 24–86 GHz. 60GHz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum, the frequency that O2 molecules start reacting to and the same with water molecules in cells, and remember we are 70 percent water, we are electomagnetic beings, not just chemical beings and affected by electromagnetic frequencies.

At the molecular level, these frequencies affect the orbit of electrons, and that affects the ability of blood hemoglobin to bind with oxygen. 5G is absorbing the oxygen, and then your hemoglobin can't take up the oxygen. 60 GHz sucks the oxygen out of cells. Without oxygen, the heart stops working properly, so do the lungs because the oxygen you breath in isn't being taken up by the Hemoglobin in your blood cells, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to close down. 5G will disrupt the uptake of oxygen to cause oxygen deprivation to each cell at the level of the mitochondria. 60Ghz is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, so why are they using this bandwidth when internet works perfectly fine with our current bandwidth. Symptoms of such effects on physical organisms, on birds, bees and other migrating species it has shown to be fatal. On humans the effects are similar to what is described as the Corona Virus, fever, dry cough, no mucous we’d usually find in most flu related corona viruses, cyanosis – turning blue (lack of oxygen), then dropping dead while walking down the street or shopping other effects are potential Heart issues, issues breathing, seeing, and immune defficiencys; Less severe symptoms such as Brain fog, Difficulty sleeping, and Head-aches and Migraines. This starts to make sense.

Research by Neufeld and Kuster 2018 highlights the significant tissue heating generated by 5G technology with rapid short bursts of data transfer on a device, prompting them to call for reevaluation of thermal safety standards (let alone biological standards). The researchers state, “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.”
In addition, there is convincing emerging scientific evidence causing great concern for the environment, with harm to mammals, insects and bacteria, prompting scientists around the world to call for a moratorium on 5G. This 5G technology is complex, likely to be costly, accompanied by privacy concerns and will also consume significant amounts of oxygen and energy, contrary to global climate goals. Despite this scientific evidence, the FCC has accelerated the deployment of wireless antenna infrastructure by limiting local governments ability to refuse these towers, limiting charging fees and shortening the shot clock for approval, effectively blocking the power of local authorities''.

Elon Musk has launched 46,000 5G satellites, Telesat launched 120 satellites, OneWeb’s phase one network will be 648 satellites, and SpaceX are launching over 12,000 satelites for 5G technology, All three networks are expected to reach full operational capacity by the early 2020s.

A few years ago, 240 doctors and scientists signed against 5G in Europe and 123,000 doctors, nurses, scientists and medical professionals from Physicians against 5G globally, resisted the government proposals of 5G towers and systems being launched and these experts presented documented proof and evidence to the governments and already warned the public against the effects of 5G and 6G cell phone towers. Why did the governments ignore 163,000 doctors and scientists? Their warnings cannot be dismissed as a ”conspiracy theory” by the media or by those who are too lazy to read the hard evidence that these doctors and scientists have read to self-educate.

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