TUBAL PREGNANCY: Ectopic Pregnancy: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
Receiving growth by stopping the fertilized ovum in the fallopion tube outside the uterus is called 'oviduct gestation'. Under temporary mammography, lymph nodes are present in 95% of cases.
Due to disease:-
- Obstruction of fertilized ovum speed.
- Chronic lobular inflammation.
- Longer length of the tubalini.
- The presence of unnatural cramp on the lobe.
Symptoms of disease:-
- The endless period is very small.
- Someday, very severe pain in a pelvic region suddenly. Occasionally this pain is in the lower lower part of the abdomen Pain in somebody seems to go away to the state and shoulders.
- Symptoms of signs and symptoms Sometimes sometimes even unconscious.
Picture - Places of ectopic pregnancies
1.Intramural, 2.Isthmic, 3. Ampullar, 4.Infundibular, 5. Ovary, 6.Cervix
special features:-
After some time the vaginal bleeding started The bleeding is not very high in volume, but its color is dark brown. Like the menstrual cycle, this blood does not accumulate.
Clinical signs:-
- Seeing the patient is yellow and ill and the lack of blood.
- Pulse-fast speed greater than 120 per minute.
- Blood pressure low (80-90 mm. Systolic).
- The temperature-subnormal is found.
- Hand-foot like very cold ice
- Thirst more, sweat on the forehead.
- Breath pain and respiratory action faster.
- All the abdomen seems bloated.
- Techicardia
- Sometimes the red is present around the navel.
- Perception of anguish in the shoulders and unsightly areas when elevating both the legs of the patient.
Vaginal test:-
- Spectroscopy- A slight bleeding may be observed in the vagina.
- Palpation- The uterus is slightly larger and the uterine cervix gets soft.
- Farnix-Too much pressure pain on one side of Farnix. The rectum appears to be filled with liquid Pauch of Douglas. By entering the needle in the blood, confirming the diagnosis of blood in the syringe.
Special clinical trial:-
- Red particle and hemoglobin low.
- Leukocytosis slightly.
- E.S.R. increased.
- Pregnancy Test Most Positive.
Remember- Leprotomy should be done in suspicious condition, because diagnosis of time can be preserved for the patient's life.
Acute diarrhea is a medical and emergency condition.
- In Chronic Type of Tubal Pregnancy:-
- The symptoms are not acute, pain is also very simple.
- The presence of bleeding from the vagina is sure.
- Swelling is definitely found in one of the pelvic regions.
- Temperature is also available in some cases.
- Occasionally there is a problem in getting urine.
- Temperature in the old case more.
- Mishap:-
- Signs of anemia are present in the patient.
- Not numb and pain in the shoulder.
Image: Diaphragm pregnancy
Image:Tubal pregnancy
- Uterine end of the tube, 2. Tubal Pregnancy, 3. Ampullary end of tube, 4. Ovary, 5. Ovarian ligament
- The normal size of the uterus can get some increase in it.
- Vaginal bleeding occurs a little. The amount of hemoglobin is less than normal.
- Pregnancy biological test is negative.
- Temporary gesture therapy:-
- Pregnancy should be promptly admitted to the hospital for surgery. | Otherwise the patient may die.
- Anti Shock Treatment.
- Put the patient in the flat form on the bed.
- Morphine 15 min. G Give muscle.
- Begin making 5% dextrose dip.
- Arrangement of blood transfusion.
- Arrangement of laparotomy operation.
- Plasma (Detecton / Dextraven) Intensely.
- Posterior coloportomy should be done in chronic tuberculosis gestation if pelvic hematocytes have been infected and pelvic abscess has been formed.