The Healthcare Debate Middle GroundsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

If you are from the United States or have ever visited the United States for an extended period of time and had to use a hospital or any healthcare service, you know the system is terrible. Its slow, expensive, and if you don’t have a company willing to cover your insurance, many people are unable to afford going. This is one of the hottest debates and has been for as long as I have been alive. I want to give my opinion not on either sides of the debate, but a middle ground I believe that most people should support.

The first side is basically, keep healthcare privatized because it keeps costs lower and more efficient and that the government shouldn’t be held accountable when people destroy their bodies. Also included in this camp is simply that America just cant afford to offer universal healthcare to all of its citizens because we run a deficit already. The other side is that the government has a responsibility to its citizens and should offer universal healthcare as a right. A big argument is that one of the richest GDP per capita countries in the world and still not having a way to pay for those who need healthcare is embarrassing.

I want to choose the middle ground here and give my opinion on the debate. I think both sides are extremes just because in all likeliness we wont move to either of them. Im not claiming to know how to solve the healthcare debate, I just believe that there is one part that it falls flat and that is for children under the age of 18. I very strongly believe that children under the age of 18 should receive a form of healthcare for free. Their lives up until they are 18 are literally out of their hands and if we want to foster healthy future generations, this is necessary.

Were not talking about massive amounts of money either, only 25% of the population is under the age of 18 and you would remove all of the children who fall under their parent’s health care as well. In total you are looking at a very small percentage of the American people. I believe that we should live in a country where being born into a poor family shouldn’t limit your future success. Because you got a bad roll of the dice and your parents cant afford to bring you to the hospital should never be a reality anyone under the age of 18 should have to bear.

The healthcare could simply run out at 18 or be pushed back if you are pursuing college or not, it completely depends. The money can be found for such a plan, our military budget for one is completely bloated to the point where the army is given money when they have told the government they don’t need it. There are entire graveyards of tens of billions of dollars in vehicles which were never used. Perhaps we don’t need a military budget the size of the next 8 countries combined and cutting it by a small percentage to actually save lives and give benefits to children in our own country, is worth it.

Thanks to @Elyaque for the badges


I think both sides are extremes just because in all likeliness we wont move to either of them.

But we're already at the one extreme! And it's failing miserably. Everyone who wants to keep it privatized must feel immortal. The cost of something as simple as a broken leg can be up to $35k... how many people have $35k laying around just in case when a large portion of the working population doesn't even make that much in a year?

You actually sort of blew my mind telos, you are very right lol. I dont know why that didnt click when I was writing the article X)

Here is what I would like to see:

  1. If you want free health care, your citizenship would be modified
    a. You would not get tax refunds
    b. government would make all decisions for you
    c. You must have a paying job approved by government
    d. All healthcare would be provided
    e. Insurance is not authorized for this category

  2. All healthcare for those 18 and under would be provided, unless parent(s)/caregiver opt out. If they opt out:
    a. Parent(s)/caregiver would then be sole decision maker for any medical procedure or any invasive procedure.
    b. Parent(s)/caregiver would also be financially liable for all costs
    c. Parent(s)/caregiver would also be able to offset costs via all available means
    d. Job requirement is in effect.

  3. Of course, even with no children, you may elect to opt out of free healthcare. The rules of number 2 would apply, except the job requirement. How you pay is your business.

It would be interesting to see how many would elect the free healthcare option under these conditions. I am guessing people would elect the free option by a landslide, probably 75%. We have lots of sheep in the US.

Very interesting Idea, I would love to see a poll on this and see actual numbers. I think if the government just offered a basic package for people under 18, they wouldnt have many people give up their current care because its likely far superior.

Good ideas @calaber24p , President Obama issued law on healthcare in 2010.Recent Govt is trying best to work on it. Definitely there would be improvement. We hope for best. So now in your point of view which hospitals are best for healthcare, Govt or Private?

Hmmm interesting point and idea :)

I definitely agree with the under 18 thing. There's no reason to deny children health care. Although I do believe that all Americans should have health care and the only way to do that is to 1. Raise taxes and 2. Stop wasting money. The military does get to much money but I am also a believer that every citizen serve a minimum of 2 years in the military

I really don't think we need to raise taxes even. A small cut to the military budget and/or reducing waste would probably cover it. Or maybe reduce corporate subsidies to profitable companies! (I guess that could be classified under waste though...)

The first thing to do is do away with licenses for doctors. They are controlled by certain colleges that are only approved by the AMA. Having a license doesn't mean you are qualified, look at all the drivers who shouldn't be driving. Doctors kill a lot of people. Let more colleges teach medicine and allow doctors to open small clinics for cash only. You will see prices drop. And do away with the FDA who is complicit with companies putting out bad drugs and keeping good drugs from coming into the market.

Good article, though these are not the extremes. In the real extremes, there is no healthcare whatsoever, versus precisely the healthcare you need, when you need it. This is a resource allocation issue, and as a nation you need to wise up (I'm not American, and yes, my nation is dumb as a brick too in many areas - but not in this). You want to be the world policeman/resource grabber and spend gazzillions on weaponry you can never actually use (or we're all dead anyway and healthcare is mute), or you spend what you have actually looking after each other. Actually looking after children is surely a no-brainer - if you won't do that as a society you cannot even pretend to be civilised, and its no wonder you end up with so-called adults who won't look after each other and think they need to pillage the rest of the world to survive. Yours respectfully, Db

thanks for sharing! no doubt why you have claimed those beautiful badges

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