How to quickly lower blood sugar

in #healthlast year

Blood glucose levels can rise for a variety of reasons, but if they remain high all the time, it is a very worrying symptom. It is important to recognize such elevations in time and know how to manage them. It is especially important to maintain stable glucose levels for diabetics. We tell you how to quickly and effectively lower your own sugar levels.
If sugar rises to a high level, it is worth seeing a specialist without delay. The doctor will prescribe tests to determine the level of insulin (the hormone that lowers blood sugar levels), and if necessary, he will prescribe pills that reduce blood sugar levels. Elevated blood glucose is no joke; endocrine disorders require daily monitoring and a well-thought-out diet.

But in any case, you need to know how to reduce blood sugar levels at home without help. In this material are the top proven tiphacks for stabilizing glucose levels in the body.

Causes of high blood sugar levels

Glucose absorbed by the body from food enters the bloodstream. The hormone insulin is responsible for delivering sugar from the blood to other cells. It is insulin that lowers blood sugar levels. If the pancreas does not produce enough of it, or if the cells do not "recognize" the insulin, the sugar remains in the blood without reaching the cells. Then excessive glucose levels are ensured.

High blood sugar has a negative effect on your general well-being, but in some cases it can be brought back to normal by your own efforts. Knowing how you can lower your blood sugar is not only important for diabetes, but also for healthy people. But first, let's understand why sugar rises.

The following causes lead to an increase in glucose:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • Immune disorders due to infectious diseases;
  • improper operation of the pancreas;
  • the presence of obesity;
  • liver disease;
  • eating disorders;
  • emotional distress;
  • stress;
  • alcohol use;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Having studied the question of how to normalize, i.e. reduce blood sugar levels with and without medication, you will not have to give in to the problem that has arisen.

What foods lower blood sugar levels

With the help of a properly selected diet, it is realistic to keep blood sugar levels within acceptable limits. What should I eat to lower my blood sugar? Foods with a low glycemic index, which reduce blood sugar levels, should form the basis of the diet.

What should you stay away from?

Eliminate from your menu foods that raise sugar. These are, above all, fast carbohydrates, sweets and flour. If you avoid these, in many cases you can do without drugs that lower blood sugar. Carefully read the composition on the package, sugar may even be contained in canned foods, sausages and other prepared foods. Honey is also undesirable to eat: it can raise glucose levels, as can more harmful sweets.

Keep saturated fats to a minimum: sausages, cheeses, fatty yogurts, pastries and other non-diet foods should be banished from your menu. This recommendation will come in handy, first of all, for those who are looking for how to reduce blood sugar levels in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. They tend to be overweight as opposed to those with type one diabetes. Weight loss has been proven to reduce the risk of diabetes, so there should be as few caloric fatty foods in the diet as possible.

It is worth trying to remember which foods lower blood sugar levels.

First of all, add dietary products to your diet: lean fish and meat, nuts, whole grains, avocados, citrus fruits, black currants, green vegetables, pumpkin, radish, turnip, beet. These diabetic blood sugar-lowering foods should be a staple in your diet.

Give preference to healthy unsaturated fats: olive oil, salmon, olives and olives, nuts (especially raw almonds and walnuts), avocados - such a rich assortment helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Here are some simple tips on how to lower blood sugar without medication through nutrition. Eat small meals, but often. You can snack on a handful of nuts, unsweetened fruit and vegetable salads, and a glass of low-fat kefir. Drink 2-3 liters of clean water a day to eliminate glucose from the body. You can also drink unsweetened green tea and herbal preparations.

How to quickly lower blood sugar in diabetes: home remedies

Simple but effective means to reduce sugar are available at home. They will complement the complex treatment and become a lifesaver in times of acute need. If they are available, you will have to use blood sugar-lowering medications much less often.

  • A glass of natural zucchini, pumpkin juice or celery smoothie - these drinks are best taken on an empty stomach.
  • Replace coffee with chicory: pour hot water, let it infuse for 1-2 hours and drink it on an empty stomach before a meal.
  • Tea from rosehip will help to quickly and effectively reduce blood sugar levels before a blood test. How to prepare it? Pour fresh or dried berries in boiling water and insist for 12 hours. Such a drink is useful to have in the fridge for emergencies.
  • Oat broth is also excellent for lowering sugar. Boil oat flakes in a water bath, and leave the "broth" to infuse in a dark place for 5-7 hours.
  • Natural remedies, roots and herbs that reduce blood sugar levels cope with the problem quickly and effectively. Boil lilac buds, dandelion and burdock roots (separately or together), blueberry, currant and young nettle leaves. Infuse herbal decoctions best in a dark and cool place.

Now you know how to lower blood sugar without medication, but remember: Every body is different, so test the effectiveness of all the methods on your own experience, and then determine which are right for you. Arm yourself with a glucose meter and find out if cabbage juice or blueberry leaf decoction lowers blood sugar for you personally. If it does, great, use this tip.
NuviaLab Sugar Control is a modern product for controlling blood sugar levels in people. The product is a natural complex that has a positive effect on health and is used to keep blood sugar at the right level.

How does it work?

Natural ingredients contain substances that regulate blood glucose levels. As a result, appetite is reduced and caloric intake is reduced. Quality support is provided to manage weight control processes.
Normal metabolic rate is guaranteed. It is offered to people with high sugar levels, patients who are found to be hyperglycemic. Preventing the development of the prerequisites of the disease is the exclusion of dangerous moments.
During synthesis, the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin and amylin are regenerated. A total of 70% of these cells are found in the islets. Once type 1 diabetes is diagnosed, mass and function are reduced. Insulin secretion is insufficient and hyperglycemia occurs.
Prevention, a healthy diet, exercise, and reducing the risk of developing diabetes mellitus are additional measures to maintain health.


NuviaLab Sugar Control contains extracts, vitamins, minerals to ensure normal glucose levels. The properties of Gurmar leaf extract (Gurmar — sugar destroyer) include 25% of jimnemic acid. Let’s talk about the beneficial properties of the plant.
The fruits of the bitter melon contain 0.5% charantin, 7% bitter substances. Momordica charantia is a small plant from the pumpkin family, called bitter melon. It is essential for stimulating insulin secretion, regeneration of beta cells, and digestion of glucose produced by the liver.
The properties of quail cucumber has been proven by clinical trials, a marked reduction in serum glucose levels. Before meals and after meals hypoglycemic effect is noticeable in 86% of cases. Other research cases showed that the glucose tolerance position got better. Patients felt better in 73% of cases.
The presence of cinnamon bark extract reduces glucose levels and is involved in the stimulation of fat burning. Necessary to reduce harmful cholesterol. White mulberry extract is excellent for reducing sugar, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism.

Indications for use

Symptoms of the beginning of the disease are frequent urination, thirst, weakness and dehydration of the body. Abnormalities should not be taken lightly. Care and monitoring of the person should be provided and appropriate medications should be purchased to control the disease. Chronic hyperglycemia can cause dangerous complications leading to organ damage. The dietary supplement NuviaLab Sugar Control is an innovative solution for life. Stabilization of blood sugar levels is achieved with ingredients containing a unique blend of active ingredients.

NUVIALAB SUGAR CONTROL is available in the following countries: USA, Germany, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Poland.


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