Why I Quit YouTube And Google
Being an active contributor to any of the consortium of online communities can be difficult. After years of effort and work put towards being up to par with ever-changing Terms of service, I’ve decided to apply my efforts in more liberating platforms and Steemit is one of the best platform to do that based on the community and the methods in which administration of the network are decentralized.
So let me tell you a little bit about my YouTube and blog career.
I’ve always wanted to be a blogger and vlogger so after researching a lot I finally figured out to start a health blog. So I’ve started Billihealth.
I’ve uploaded my first video on 12th December 2017
After a lot of hard work each day and uploading 127 videos on YouTube and writing a couple articles on my website, there has been little to no fruit of my labor. They expected 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers to monetize your videos. That’s why I stopped uploading videos after 19th August 2018.
Then I waited for completion of 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers. Because I didn’t want to put more efforts forth without getting results. After completing their expectations I applied for Monetization. After having completed that they still declined my request for monetization with the excuse of repetitious content.
Then on my second attempt, they approved my YPP program request.
But again after 2 months, they declined my monetization by giving the same reason. I’ve tried to reach them through Twitter and YouTube support. On Twitter, they haven’t replied properly. Below I have attached images of my communications with Youtube.
After doing lots of hard work and waiting for a year now I only generated $44.72, and I haven’t get that amount because Google will only pay out a $100 minimum payment.
At this point, I would advise anyone not to use Google and their related products such as YouTube. I found D.TUBE and STEEMIT. I am certain that I can be a positive and beneficial part of the Steemit Network and I am here to stay.