Spring-cleaning your body with Herbs and Cannabis

in #health7 years ago

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pic my own

Every spring growing up about the 3rd or 4th warmish sunny day; my mom would get this crazed look in her eye and we all knew it was time for Spring-cleaning the house. Well, your body needs a good clean and spring is the time to do it. Many choose to focus on the liver to cleanse as their spring-cleaning regime. The best-known function of the Liver is to filter/cleanse the blood though it has many more functions and can regenerate.

Detoxing does not have to be elaborate and if you are relatively healthy, increasing your greens intake may be all that you need. I will go over a few wonderful herbs and supplements you can take as a suggestion for your liver spring cleanse.

First, assess your state of health and come up with your game plan, how long as in how many days you will go through the cleanse process and what herbs you will take. You may want to consult with a Dr. of Oriental medicine; qualified herbalist or a naturopathic Dr. They can help you with your plan and may suggest herbal formulas. Do not worry I will also go over how Cannabis can be included!

Liver cleansing herbs for your spring-cleaning may include the following

It helps neutralize toxins and environmental pollutants in the body. This is because Wheatgrass contains beneficial enzymes that help protect us from carcinogens, including Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), that lessens the effects of radiation and digest toxins in the body. It cleanses the body from head to toe of any heavy metals, pollutants and other toxins that may be stored in the body’s tissues and organs.

Dandelion root and leaf
The root is a liver restorative, helps bile production and has been noted as a help with irritable bowel and as a pre-biotic in gut flora imbalance
The Leaf has a bitter flavor, rich in chlorophyll and noted as a skin cleanser. Dandelion leaf in TCM clears heat from the liver and has a beneficial effect on the stomach and lungs, and it can uplift the mood and support lactation. If you are lucky enough to have a health food store that stock it fresh it is easy to add to salads.

Yellow dock root
Yellow dock helps break down fatty foods by stimulating bile production, enhancing normal liver detoxification, improving the flow of digestive juices, helping the liver eliminate toxins, and has mild diuretic effects to help flush out harmful substances. It also helps reduce irritation of the liver and digestive system.

Milk thistle
Milk thistle helps with the detoxification of poisons such as alcohol, regeneration of damaged liver tissue, stimulation of bile production, and improved digestion.

Cannabis, how does cannabis fit in with spring-cleaning and liver detox? In Chinese medicine, the liver plays a roll in ensuring that the chi moves smoothly and freely in the body. It is known as the general in charge of your storehouses delegating where chi and nutrients go to keep the various organ energetics supplied. If the liver chi becomes stagnant or constrained, the liver will become hard. As a result, the supply of chi and energy does not flow freely in the body. The liver needs to be soft and supple to do its function properly. Too much stress and not enough recovery constrains the liver chi, this leads eventually to toxicity.
Many people during times of stress and over prolonged periods of time respond by living more un healthfully- bad foods not enough rest etc.
Cannabis, however, can really help! It is no mystery and everyone knows that Cannabis chills you out and promotes digestion. You have heard of the Munchies, as long as you choose healthy meals munch away! Relaxing and restoring proper balance is important and Cannabis certainly has its place in helping.

Cannabis strain
Laughing Buddha- we all need laughter especially to throw off those deep winter blues.

pic https://www.barneysfarm.com/laughing-buddha-8

Sativa 80 %
Indica 20 %

Thank goodness the winter season is coming to a close and Spring is in the air!

To your continued good health and joy in life!

DISCLAIMER; Please note that this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe for the reader, nor is the information intended to take the place of the advice of the reader’s health care practitioner. The reader is advised to consult directly with his/her health care practitioner for any health concerns he/she may be experiencing and for any questions he/she may have regarding the information in this blog and how it

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