Carnivore Challenge - Starting Out

in #health6 years ago (edited)

carnivore_challenge_starting numbers.jpg

Welcome to my weight loss blog. I have been struggling with my weight/health for 15 years - despite doing everything they say is healthy. We would eat lots of vegetables / fruits / whole grains and almost no meat. We had beef cut down to a couple times a year because we believed red meat caused heart disease. Dairy was almost gone and replaced with strange stuff like almond and cashew milks. We were even drinking grass. Yes we had a couple juicers and would make green drinks. Despite all this energy was low – and weight was high.

I knew something was wrong – but not what. When I heard Dr. Shawn Baker on the JRE podcast it prompted me to start researching the carnivore way of life. To my surprise there is very little evidence to support plants are good for us and might even be bad for us. The same goes for all those fancy grains and seeds. I decided to try the Carnivore 90 day challenge for myself. If Shawn and the other 1000’s of people trying and thriving on this are wrong – then 90 days won’t kill me.

Between this new way of eating and fitness program my goals to lose 52 pounds in 90 days.

I started on May 2nd with a weight of 252 pounds and 38% bodyfat.

I have been eating 99% meat and exercising 4 times weekly for 3 weeks – here are my results.

Start (May2)25238%
End Week 1 (May 9)23936.6%
End Week 2 (May 16)24037%
End Week 3 (May 23)23635.4%

As of May 22nd my blood pressure is 151/89 - so quite high.


I plan to get blood work done and hopefully a cardiac CT scan to get some baseline readings.

I will document my experience with the Carnivore way of eating, weight loss and improvements in health/fitness.

Progress pictures coming at end of week 4.

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