These 4 things present in the house will save you from cold and cold ...
Home remedies in Hindi: Cold diseases like winter, cough, fever increase due to cold in the winter season. Doctors believe that to avoid cold in this season we wear warm clothes, but to avoid the effect of cold, it is necessary to stay warm even inside the body along with the outside. Patna's Alliance doctor Dr. Sunil Kumar Dubey believes that many home remedies can be adopted to avoid these diseases. Sunil Kumar Dubey says that tea made from cloves, basil, black pepper and ginger in the cold serves as 'Ramaban' for cough, cold and cold. Dubbed an honorary title of the Ph.D. by the University of Ballsbridge recently, the main cause of these diseases is the increase in the spread of the virus. He said that colds are an infectious disease which is growing very quickly. This disease brings with your nose, fever, happiness or wet cough, which suddenly attacks on the respiratory system.
Honey will provide relief from winter cold
Cold and Cough Remedies: Children and the elderly should take special care and caution in the Common Cold. By taking honey in winter, the body can be kept away from many diseases. In Ayurveda honey is considered nectar. Cold, after sleeping, before drinking it a glass of lukewarm milk, add one teaspoon of honey to it and it ends. They say that honey corrects the body's immune system.
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These 4 Ayurvedic herbs will take away diabetes.
There are many benefits of Amla in diabetes.
Bread bread will prove to be a tasty domestic recipe for winter cold
During the winter, eating banana bread is very beneficial. It keeps the body warm, along with protein, vitamins B, calcium, fiber and anti-oxidant in millet bread are good for the body. To avoid cold, children should also feed millet bread.
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Fish and soup to prevent winter cold
In winter, fish and soup are also very effective. With the use of ginger in the food, the body gets hot, along with the digestive process is also good.
Amla will do amazing
Amla is not less than any nectar for people troubled by diabetes. Amla is being used for the treatment of various diseases in the ancient Ayurvedic system for almost 5000 years. Freelance is compared to nectar. Amla contains Vitamin C, Vitamin AB, Potashim, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Carbohydrate, Fiber and Diuretic Acid.
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Apart from this, amla and groundnut are beneficial in winter. Massage from sesame oil also works to protect us from cold. He told that in winter, avoid eating seasonal orange and oranges should be avoided. Dates get rid of cold even after eating it with hot milk.