RE: THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND! Dr. Bruce Lipton Shocked The World With His Discovery
If someone harms us, we rant and demand revenge. If someone does us a good deed, helping us, most times we, at most, say thank you and get on with our lives.
I believe in paying back that good deed and make a point of thanking the person, showing I appreciate what it cost them - however small the cost.
Unfortunately, most of the times we do a good deed, the saying, 'no good deed shall go unpunished' applies. Still, we become a much happier and balanced person if we choose to concentrate on not punishing others for their good deeds.
I refuse to watch crime/horror movies. There is enough ugliness in our lives that we cannot avoid (as in my next post) without me submitting myselves to more of it. An imaginative fantasy or science fiction, a comedy (I prefer, a humorous movie ) or even, a love story...which may have some drama, but there must be sme point to the painful experiences, helping the person grow - those I will watch.
For instance, last night, I was watching a tv serie about some people stranded on a planet which is about to get destroyed, but they are out of fuel. A kid finds a solidied piece of bat shit and asks whether their waste converter can change it to that is imaginative and funny, so I enjoyed it.
I HATE only a few things and horror movies are one of them. They aren't good for anyone's brain and often are just peer evil.
I also like your observation about human nature and it's bias toward punishment as opposed to sincerely and meaningfully being grateful for a good deed.