Does alcohol give any health benefit to the human body ?

in #health6 years ago (edited)

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Benefits of alcohol for health

1. Good for heart health

Adequate intake of any liquor or alcohol can reduce the risk of heart disease by 40 percent, according to a review involving more than 100 prospective studies from the Harvard School of Public Health.
imageimeg source

2. Beer is rich in vitamin B

Beer does not always contain empty calories. Various studies have found that beer contains thiamin and riboflavin (two types of vitamin B), as well as more calcium, magnesium, and selenium than wine and cider. The researchers suspect this is due to the basic ingredients used for brewing (such as barley or hops) and the different ways of making them. ![image]()[imeg source](

3. Good for kidney health

Although carbonated drinks and syrup have been linked to an increased risk of kidney stone formation (23-33 percent), consuming beer and wine in fact shows a much lower risk percentage: 41% decrease in beer risk and 31 percent for wine.

4. Vodka is good for maintaining oral and dental health

Vodka has a high alcohol level, which also has excellent antibacterial qualities. When used as an alternative mouthwash, vodka can kill bacteria that cause bad breath, and if you want to add a healthy factor, you can add a few clove sticks, mint leaves, or a cinnamon to increase its freshness.

5. Improve brain performance

Routine drinking glasses of alcohol is known to damage the brain in the long run, but if you know the trick and consume your favorite liquor naturally, alcohol can help prevent a decline in cognitive function of the brain. ![image]()[imeg source](

6. Wine is good for preventing colds and colds - also maintaining eye health

Indeed, chronic alcohol consumption can damage the immune system and actually puts you at a higher risk of various diseases, but the key is just a little!

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