Colposcopy: When Do You Need It?
Quite often during the gynecological examination the doctor appoints colposcopy to define the patient’s state of health. What this procedure actually is and what does it define? Colposcopy is called after the special technique for performing the investigation – a colposcope. It is a device that consists of lighting and optic systems that help the doctor to investigate the vaginal mucosa, pelvic walls and ectocervix (vaginal part of the cervix). The cervix and near tissues are well lit and the optic binocular system allows to examine cervical mucosa and the relief of the vessels.
Normally colposcopy should be done in the process of regular gyn care; it’s cheaper and gives more information (if the doctor performing it is qualified enough). Also it helps to determine the early stages of pathologic changes in the cervical epithelium’s cells earlier then the cytological analysis does, so the treatment can have better results if begins immediately.
Among the general usefulness of colposcopy, there are some cases when it is absolutely required. These are:
Obvious changes on the vaginal and cervical mucosa. It gives grounds for the suspicion to be an erosion, condyloma or leukokeratosis.
Pathologic cells found in cytological analysis data.
Any gynecological diseases, from inflammations to hormonal imbalance.
Control after the treatment performed.
When biopsy is done.
Usually there are no contraindications when colposcopy is dangerous for a woman’s health. But it’s better not to do it in 1,5 – 2 months after the delivery or in 6-8 months after the surgical or destructive treatment of the cervical diseases.
There are no strict rules of preparation to colposcopy. The only things that your gynecologist nyc may ask you to avoid are intercourse during 1-2 days before the procedure, using vaginal tampons, suppositories or rinsing. Colposcopy is not performed during the period or any vaginal bleedings and in ovulation time because of increasing of the mucus amount.