6 Common Foot Issues That Can Cause Pain and Discomfort

in #health4 years ago

6 Common Foot Issues That Can Cause Pain and Discomfort.jpg

A foot is a complex structure that consists of many bones, ligaments, and muscles. When at least some part of the foot stops to function normally, it can result in pain and other symptoms. It is important to understand that any foot condition should be evaluated and treated by a doctor. In this article. We have gathered six common foot issues that can cause pain and discomfort.

1. Bunions

A bunion is a bump that occurs on the foot near the big toe. This bony bump occurs when the big toe joint shifts and moves. People who have bunions can experience pain and discomfort. If a bunion rubs against a shoe, it can become red and swollen. Additionally, constant rubbing can lead to the development of corn on a bunion.

Even though there are a lot of so-called aligners for bunions, you should understand that they can only help prevent the aggravation of the condition. The only effective way to get rid of advanced bunions is surgery.

2. Corns and calluses

Corns and calluses can occur when the skin rubs constantly against shoes or something else. You can soak your feet in a foot bath and then rub the dead skin with the help of the pumice stone. Even though corns and calluses usually don’t cause pain, they can become inflamed when the infection affects them. In this case, it is essential to visit a foot doctor as soon as possible.

3. Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails seem a not dangerous condition but the reality is that it can cause inflammation and other complications if left untreated. A toenail becomes ingrown when it punctures the skin and tissues near it.

An ingrown toenail usually manifests itself through pain, redness, and swelling. Without timely treatment, the tissues near the ingrown toenail can become inflamed and even start to fester. If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, it is better to make an appointment with a foot doctor for a thorough diagnosis and treatment.

4. Gout

Gout is a condition that occurs because of increased levels of uric acid in the blood. This results in the formation of crystals on the joints that cause pain and limited range of motion. Gout can affect any joint but it is more likely to develop in the big toe joint. Medications that reduce the pain and inflammation are used to treat gout attacks.

5. Athlete’s foot

An athlete’s foot is a condition that occurs when the skin becomes infected with fungi. Fungal infection can result in foot pain, redness, swelling, blisters, and unpleasant foot odor. The symptoms usually occur between toes but can appear on the whole foot over time.

If left untreated, fungal infection can spread to other body parts like armpits, and groin. An athlete’s foot can be treated with antifungal medications and home remedies. However, it is better to consult your doctor before use.

6. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a quite painful condition that occurs when a thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes becomes inflamed. The most common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include: - Pain in the morning during the first steps - Pain that intensifies after exercising

If you experience these symptoms, it is better to visit a foot doctor as soon as possible. Physical therapy, medication, and surgical treatment for plantar fasciitis can help you cope with the pain and inflammation.

The bottom line

It is essential to understand that foot issues should be evaluated and treated by a doctor. Without timely and proper treatment, your condition can progress. This can interfere with your regular activity and worsen your well-being.


Hi there. Guys, have anyone ever used cannabis oil in such situations? I need your help with this one as I'm not sure whether it's a good idea or not.

Well, as far as I know, cannabis can really decrease overall pain from foot conditions such as arthritis and others so you can also have a look at this article on this theme about cbd for foot pain to learn more detailed information if you are interested. I think that you can try it too in your situation.

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