KISSING is good for your health -##

in #health7 years ago

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Valentine’s Day is getting near. So make sure you’re getting ready with your Valentine’s Day Gifts and Valentine’s Day Plans with your Special Someone. But for those who haven’t prepared their gifts yet, why not give your partner your Very Special Kiss. Because a kiss doesn’t just express your feelings of love, it also has an excellent amount of health benefits that can go with that smooch of pure love and happiness. In this blog, we will talk about the most common health benefits that you can get from kissing.

Kissing Strengthens our Relationships

As a wonderful start, kissing promotes togetherness, and for those couples who kiss regularly. They can live five years longer than those who don’t. That’s why, the more you kiss, the more you love, and the more you live.

Kissing Naturally Relaxes you

Kissing increases the levels of oxytocin ‘the love hormone’ in the body making you feel loved and in-love. Also, endorphins ‘the feel-good hormone’ and serotonin ‘the happy hormone’ are increased, which makes you calm and chill. Thus people say: “kissing calms the mind and makes the heart happy”.

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Kissing Makes the Heart Healthy

Kissing doesn’t just make the heart emotionally healthy, it also improves heart health physically. When we kiss, the hormone adrenaline is also released in the body. This hormone speeds up the heart rate, that’s why we can feel our heart pumping while kissing because it literally does. When the rate of pumping is increased, the circulation of blood throughout the body is also increased. Also, pumping in an increased amount will serve as an exercise for our heart, thus strengthening it.

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Another effect of the adrenaline release is dilation ‘wide opening’ of blood vessels. When there is dilation of blood vessels, it maximizes the circulation of blood in the body. Good blood circulation lowers blood pressure, and relieves headaches and muscle cramps.

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Kissing can Prevent Cavities

Kissing increases saliva production and this saliva washes away bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay, and plaque build-up. So, one kiss a day, keeps the dentist away.
Kissing Tones your Facial Muscles

Your mouth has a number of facial muscles, and when you’re engaged in kissing, you can tighten and tone them. Also, kissing is yoga for your face. It stretches and shapes the facial muscles in the neck and jawline, which are trouble spots for those concerned about looking older.

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Bonus: Kissing Helps You Burn Calories

Didn’t you know that intense kissing for at least a minute can burn approximately burn 2-6 calories. So, try it for at least an hour, and let’s see how much you can burn (lol).

Hopefully you have learned something today. And always remember, don’t forget to kiss this Valentine’s Day.

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