US Biowarfare Act Author: Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized

in #health5 years ago

By Spiro Skouras

In this interview, the author of the US Biowarfare Act, Professor Francis Boyle, uncovers four separate studies which he claims confirm as ‘smoking gun’ evidence the Wuhan coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, was in fact weaponized.

Professor Boyle also discloses where he believes the true origin of the virus originated and the extent that the US government was involved.

This is a must-see interview as Professor Boyle also reveals never before disclosed information.

Also See: Interview: Author of US BioWeapons Act Believes The WHO & China Are Lying About The Coronavirus


Study: The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade>science/article/abs/pii/S0166354220300528

Study: SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronavirus pose threat for human emergence

Study: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry

Study: The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus />20200214144447/

Study: Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China

SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S.

Full transcript of “smoking gun” bombshell interview: Prof. Francis Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus

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This is perhaps the most compelling case that covid-19 is a leaked bioweapon. That this is coming from the man who created the US Bioweapons Act, Prof. Boyle, really puts things into focus. The Wuhan level 4 lab should be considered the most likely source and not the wet market story as was widely circulated in the media. (Although a contaminated employee from the lab could have certainly visited the nearby market which could have helped to accelerate the spread of the corona virus to the general public.)
Anyways, this 2nd interview is very interesting and full of pertinent facts.
Thank you Spiro for bringing us these interviews with Mr. Boyle as this is critically important information.

Pertinent facts?....he said North Korea said thirty days should be the quarantine time. He must be pretty special since North Korea isn't even admitting they have any cases which has become a concern. The US thinks they are lying since they lay along the border with China and there are many North Koreans who go into China to work. He also quoted that ISIS is working on bio weaponry in his list of those who are all doing it....I find that rather odd since ISIS can barely find a hole to hid in right now. What's even more telling is the strongly worded article that came out yesterday that said people spreading this bio weaponry story is heightening fear among people. Health experts across the globe have looked at this virus and have said there is no linkage to bio weaponry found. To try and claim otherwise would mean that every expert, every doctor, nurse, every hospital employees who could over hear conversations taking place would all have, at this point of exposure, be in cahoots to keep quiet. All these people, every last one of hundreds, maybe thousands of them by now, would all have to think that putting their families, friends, associates and millions of other people at risk of imminent harm or death was worth the risk of not telling them. We are simply to far into this with way to many people having access to the information on the virus to believe that not a one of them "actively" engaging this virus under a microscope wouldn't be sounding the alarm. I am not doubting the man doesn't know who was doing what when and where back in the day, he probably does, now though he's pretty much confined to gathering info off the internet and there's a lot of false information out there floating around and some of it can lead to confusion especially among someone of his age.


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